Gra Valkas decides to end this war quickly

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Ceclia pov

I just saw our strongest ship decimated before they could even send fighters out.... I knew that if we didn't peace out now this war will be the bane of the Gra Valkas Empire so I told this to my boss when I got back and he decided to talk to the king about it promising that my sights would be reported.

Gralux pov

I saw the leader of Ceclia Oudwin who is remarkably smart for her gender. He explained what Ceclia told me and I knew that we would not win so I decided to meet all we are fighting in Leifor. They all agreed wearily and we all met there.

Nigerat union: Why are we here?

Gralux: British Empire I want peace with your allies and yourself.

Canada: Sorry I am his son but what would you offer us to leave the war alongside all of your enemies?

Gralux: we reveal our lands and liberate Leifor as our puppet state?

Canada: I agree with this but what about the rest?

HME: I agree for now but if they try anything again there will be no peace

The rest: We agree

Gralux: Well then I signed the treaty already so here it is

Treaty to end the war to end all wars

- Leifor is liberated (Gra Valkas puppet state)

- All maps are revealed to the enemies of the Gra Valkas Empire

- Gra Valkas pays minor reparations

Signed by the 12 country leadership council

I ended this quickly because the Gra Valkas will be needed to help the *redacted* to fight the colonial behemonth of the British.

Author: Oh no... She is here

Multiversal France: I am here to...bear gifts to you Author as a peace offering for now...

Author: Okay... why?

Multiversal France: Create a book like this and for France and I won't ever bother you again

Author:.... I'll see what I can do Multiversal France

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