Fenn joins the alliance final part

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7th British Royal fleet commander pov

We saw the 50 bogeys and began to fire at them as they looked like they were charging up for an attack. I also had anyone not under cover hide in the ship to prevent from being hit with all of the ships firing hitting most shots while missing some shots due to them dodging just in time. Then we got reports of an unknown fleet coming our way too?! I asked Prince New Zealand to have his fleet help out due to this. He said they were already moving to intercept the unknown fleet already which made me sigh in relief as they may be technologically weak but with enough numbers anyone can be defeated.

4th New Zealand fleet commander pov

The leader of my country told me to ambush an unknown fleet that is suspected to be an enemy fleet. We saw them and saw the same flag the prince described they had so we began to fire at them. They began to charge at us while zigzagging making it much harder to fire at them but thanks to anti-ship torpedos firing at them. Within 3 hours of the fight they were all destroyed so we quickly began to fallback to help the 7th British royal fleet combat the 50 wyvern overlords.

7th British Royal fleet commander pov

We were firing at the wyvern overlords with the wyvern overlords quickly being defeated quickly. I was worried that they would attack the Fennese so when the New Zealand fleet arrived and took down the last Wyvern overlord which made me sigh in relief then Prince New Zealand said that Fenn wanted us to help them grow stronger to face the clearly coming Parpadilian threat with them explaining who the Parpadila Empire is.... SLAVERY?! That is horrid... I then was told that both fleets involved in this battle will stay at Fenn to protect it with many battalions coming to Fenn to provide back up alongside an officalization of Fenn joining the Continetal protectors.

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