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It's been so long since she last slept in her bed, it is true what they say there is nothing like home.
"Tamara Gaxiola wake the fuck up!",her dad yells yanking the duvet off of her. " Set the field on fire to let out the mice , you've finally made your way home after cutting you off , wake up you little brat"

She rubbed her  eyes as they reddened and glistened with tears " daddy how can you treat me like this I had to ride economy so I can pay for my bags, you're even yelling at me" she says sobbing. Thinking of the embarrassment she went through she cried even harder, how can she face anyone after this , if the paparazzi took a picture of her, she's the paparazzi princess for fucks sake.

"Another fight Tamara? Meet me down stairs in ten minutes your grandma what's to speak to you",he says pinching the bridge of his nose and storming of . She's never seen her dad so upset so she doesn't tally and quickly gets ready.
Her grandmother Monica Gaxiola is still the CEO of the company,but since she's advancing in age she is slowly handing over the company to her  dad,why doesn't that old gizza die already ,she thinks,no matter how hard she worked ,her grandmother only looked at her with indifference.

She was sure that she was the cause of all this , because her  father would never cut her off because he knows how devastated she'd be.

She quickly washed her face and brushed her teeth, she can't even do her one hour skin care routine.
When she arrived down stairs everyone was seated and was getting ready to have breakfast.

"The prodigal returns,I see you still know your way back home",her  grandmother who's sitted at the head of the table says.
" It's nice to see you too grandma",she says and sits on her right while her sister Michelle sits on the left.
She could  already see the evil smirk playing on her lips.
"A fight again?",she says and stirring her tea making Tamara shift uncomfortably in her chair.
"That bitch had it coming,I should sue her for every god forsaken penny her family owns!".
" Shut up Tamara!",her dad finally bangs his fist on the table. He's never yelled at her like this and it's making her feel wronged. She looks at her father Victor Gaxiola,that loves her the most but seeing that he won't soften looks at her stepmother Nora.

"But papa",she says her voice shaking.

"Mom give her one more chance..",he says but her grandmother cuts him off.
"I've had enough why can't you be like your sister, from now onwards you will not receive a single penny from me or your father, you are welcome to join the company if you like,only then will you receive anything but apart from that forget it".

" Grandma you can't possibly be thinking of giving her position at the company, she knows nothing but opening her legs and getting high", Michelle complains.

" Enough! It's final",she says

" Just say you hate me because I'm the daughter of the woman that wanted to take away your son! ", Tamara gets up and storms away.  Victor wishes to go after his daughter but his mother stops him. Tamara lost her mother at a young age so he tends to spoil her a lot but he doesn't know what happened she was growing up a happy girl and even wanted to work with him in the company.

Tamara ran off and the  first person she  called was Kathy her best friend and they planned to meet up at the country club.
She went to the garage but the security guard there didn't give her the key to her car,her grandmother had given the order not to let her use any car not even her own.

"I'm glad your dad didn't cancel your membership card", Kathy says as we busk in the sun at the pool at the club , Tamara lazily humms in response all she wants is to relax and not try to think about what her  grandmother said.

"I knew I'd find you ,here",the most annoying voice says.

" What the hell do you want Scott?", Tamara snaps .Scott is  her ex boyfriend that she liked a lot when they were at University.
" I heard that your grandma cut off,you know I'm more than willing to take care of you", He says.
" Go fuck my sister or something",she dismisses him and puts her sun glasses on. He slept with Michelle on their graduation day and blamed it on the alcohol.
"How many times should I say that I'm sorry,I still love you",he desperately says, Scott loves her he really does but doesn't know what happened that day it was Michelle she seduced him and he just couldn't resist.

" Oh sorry that you fucked my sister,oh yeah,I forgive you now do you want to talk about it over some tea?",is this guy serious she can't believe him.
" Scott move on already,this thing of coincidentally showing up at places Tamara is ,is getting old",Kathy says.
They just decide to ignore him and after some time he leaves.

This is what has been going on with the Gaxiola siblings since they can remember they competed in everything grades,talents and even love interests.
They share the same father but different mothers. Victor Gaxiola was engaged to Michelle's mother he never loved her and always avoided her , he never believed in a marriage of convenience he never wanted a marriage like that of his father and mother,they were both so unhappy and he never wanted that life for himself, that's until he met Tamara's mother an African medical student that came to study in the UK,he fell in love with her and Tamara was the result. But he's family couldn't allow them to be together so he ended up marrying Nora Silva ,Michelle's mother.
Amara's mother died in a car crush and so all Victor had of his love was Tamara that he dotes on dearly.

When she decided to study architecture Michelle also did the same and now she's working at the company, Tamara got tired of the sibling rivalry and just started doing her own thing and living carefree since she made it her goal to steal whatever Tamara had interest in,that included sleeping with her boyfriends,this has been going on since highschool.

Scott was the guy she was ever serious about after coming to terms with not having a chance with her childhood crush .

"Damn I miss sex",she says trying to change the topic and gets in a comfortable position.

"It's just been a week and you're acting like you haven't had sex in years", Kathy says taking a sip out of her cocktail.
Ever since the thing with Scott ended she's just been partying and having casual sex now and it's been three years now.

"Speaking of which now that the old lady is retiring , your dad is going to be CEO so meaning the Vice CEO position will be open ,we both know who the position is going to",

The Vice CEO is going to be non other than Cole. Cole her childhood crush, she's liked him since she was thirteen when he was working as her dad's assistant even now she still fantasizes about him and using him as a subject of her erotic fantasies.

"Mind if I join you ladies?",a voice I she knows all too well says,she can't believe she even imagines him here.
" Cole how are you?", Kathy says making Tamara snap her head in her direction.

She hasn't seen Cole in three years now because she's been traveling all over the world. She looked up and locked years with his blue eyes , mesmerizing ocean blue eyes. Then a familiar scent overtook her as he sat near her feet, a scent she knew all too  well,the scent of wood and spice that making her skin tingle.
His usual serious face now had a playful smile that disructed her making her eyes fall on his lips and she couldn't help but blush due to the sinful thoughts she has if him, sometimes even imagining him as some of her conquests.

"You sure are a handful",he smirks and his hand dropped on her cuff and gave her ass a little squeeze.

"Damn the sexual tension between you two is driving me crazy,why don't you just fuck already",Kathy who I even forgot existed says,she grabs her cocktail and leaves giving us some privacy.
"I haven't seen you in a long time",he says "mind if I help put some sun screen on you"
Tamara didn't have the words to refuse even though she already applied enough sunscreen on herself already, she just turned on her stomach . Tamara thanks her mother for one thing and that's her curvy body,Cole began running his hands all over her body making sure to get every part of her covered  ,he untied the string of her bikini top freeing her breast, Tamara's body grew hot with need and all she wanted was for Cole to slip his fingers in her as he massaged and gripped her ass. This is the moment she has been waiting for.

Even though they were other people she still wanted him to get ride of her growing need,he run his fingers on her folds massaging her clit, Tamara hummed but before she could enjoy herself longer Scott appeared.
"Is he the reason why you don't want to get back with me?!".

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