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Tamara managed to convince her dad to keep her car so she called her best friend Kendra so they can go shopping since she'll now be a responsible office lady she'll need to dress like one too.

The servants never liked Michelle so of course they'll discuss about her violent fit ,when Tamara heard it from the servants she couldn't help but laugh in happiness only she knows how mean Michelle is all the bullying she underwent because of her when they were kids, the harsh names and mean words only she knows, Amara really regarded Michelle as her sister but as time went on she decided to no longer take it while laying down and that's how the on going sibling war started when they graduated from college she wanted nothing to do with the company because she was tired of the fighting and the competition.
Michelle only pretended to be the responsible one but when people turned their backs she became her true self the one that Tamara knew.

Oh well thank God she still has her Dad and Nora who have always treated her like her own. Nora has a kind heart she only wished her daughter was the same then she wouldn't be so unpleasant.
But she still hates working why can't she just enjoy her dad's money she thought and tried to slow down at the red light but her brakes aren't working. Panic sets in as she tries again.
And so she calls her dad who is her emergency contact "papa why ain't my brakes ain't working!",she yells.
"What! where are you sweetie, listen to me don't panic stay calm and keep your eyes on the road",her dad says but it's the last thing she hears before crashing into another car.

Victor was panicking,he didn't even explain but rushed out of the meeting with Cole running behind him,Oh God please don't take my baby,he thought as he got into the car ,
"Victor let me drive",Cole says and goes to the drivers sit.

Victor was sweating profusely and tears reddened his eyes,if anything happens to Tamara he doesn't know how he is going to live.

He asked his assistant to ask which hospital she could be in.
"Sir the young Miss was rushed to St Louis Hospital",Mr Hopkins reports.
And they drive there.

They rushed to the reception to ask which room she was in.
"Are you the family of the patient?",

"Yes doctor, I'm her father,how is my baby girl?"

" She is fine just a minor concussion,you can go in and see her",he says and Victor rushes into the hospital.
"What happened",he cries and pulls her into his arms,she winces and he lets go of her.

"Damn dad don't be such a baby, I'm not dead",she says and holds on to her head." How's my baby?",she asks her dad.
" Tamara you almost died are you seriously worried about your car?",he really couldn't believe his daughter
" I'll get you a new one ",he says, helplessly he's just happy she's okay.

"Now that I'm injured can I not go to the company and work",she says and plays with her fingers.

" Why don't you want to work with the company,you loved designing so much, I've seen all your designs, I could use an architect like you"
" Okay I'll report to the company as soon as I recover",she says bring a smile to her dad's face.
Victor couldn't imagine what he'd do if he lost this girl, it's all she left him,he doesn't know how to face her if he let something happen to her.

In the ward,after speaking to the police Tamara looked at all the goods displayed on the table, because she didn't have breakfast he stomach uncontrollably growled loud enough for only Cole who was next to her to hear.
Her face became so red that he couldn't help but laugh at how cute she was.
"There's nothing to laugh about",she says and he thought she looked like a little kitten.
"I can't help it if you're way too cute",he says.
Making her eyes widen " what did you just say, I'm not cute Cole I'm a full grown women?"
"A sexy woman at that",he says and kisses the corner of her mouth. Making her blush "Hey , I'm you boss now , so respect yourself",she shyly says this is the man she's had a crush on since she was a teenager.

"Okay",he says raising his hands up" You must be hungry,do you want me to feed you",he says ,the surprised Tamara turned to look at him only to find him a breath away from. She looked down at his lips and was tempted to kiss him, feeling his warm breath she leaned in and just as their lips were about to touch the door to the ward opened and Nora walked in with red eyes. She knew it was Michelle that cut the brakes of Tamara's car she got rid of the video taken on the security camera at home, Michelle must have been upset about Tamara working in the company so easily when she had to work her way up.

"I was really worried",she said and hugged her, making Tamara feel warm receiving a mother's love, growing up Michelle reminded her time and again that Nora was not her mother and her mother died because she hated her.

"I see you're not missing any limbs", Michelle whom she didn't notice says.

" What's wrong?are you disappointed that I'm not dead", Tamara sneered making Michelle freeze and glance at her mother wondering if Tamara knew something.
"What's wrong with your hand?",Tamara asks after seeing Michelle's bandaged hand.
"What's it to you ?", Michelle snaps and Tamara just rolls her eyes,she shouldn't have asked any way.

They stop bickering when her father walks in to call Cole so they can talk outside.
"Someone deliberately cut her brakes,I need you to find out who", Victor says.
" Who do you think wants to harm her",.
"I don't know he says and looks into the ward, seeing Nora feeding Tamara,he had a suspect but really doubted it, would a person be capable of harming someone they claimed to love.
Tamara seeing her father looking at her waved him over.
After two weeks Tamara recovered and was ready for work ,that morning after looking at herself in the mirror and feeling satisfied with her look she walked out her room and headed down stairs to have breakfast with her family.
Michelle was so upset it looked like her face was going to collapse into itself making Tamara so amused she ate a little bit more .

" I'll have you move to the office next to me",he excitedly says his gaze softening " there is nothing more I've wanted than my baby girls working with me",he says, Michelle clenches her hands and teeth so hard, Nora fears she might have another fit, Michelle said she lost her appetite and was going to the company.
Victor knew that his daughters didn't get along and he wasn't blind to the rivalry between them Michelle just envied her sister too much, he knows she never really wanted to be an architect that is why non of her projects get approved by the board, he gave her promotions because she was his daughter and he just wanted her to be happy no matter what.

"And just to make sure you're out of trouble, I'll get you a bodyguard",he continues he told Tamara the reason she got into an accident was because she was too irresponsible and didn't get her car serviced,he didn't want to alarm her besides there wasn't any evidence of the person that cut her brakes.

" What ?!this is too much,I don't need a babysitter dad"

" That's the only way I'll be sure that you will be out of trouble, I've let you do whatever you've wanted, I'm not going to watch you throw your life away, it's time for you to get your act together",he says and holds her hand. " I only want the best for you and nothing will make me happy than my baby girls working besides me",he puts on a sad face.

" Okay fine",she says and kisses his cheek.
They didn't inform her grandmother about the accident she had because they didn't want her to worry,today being the first day of Tamara being Vice president of course her grandmother came to see her off inspite of Richard's nagging.
Because her father was delaying getting her a car she planned on riding with him to the company,but as soon as they walked outside,she found the driver Edward standing next to a familiar man .

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