Twenty nine

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After traveling for two more hours,they finally reached a small cottage. It looked like nobody had stayed here in such a long time. The next house was miles away, Sebastian had long gotten rid of her phone before they left the dock.

It had no electricity and looked like it had no running water,no heat, nothing. Tamara felt her knees give out and sat on the dirty floor and began to sob,she wanted to go home.

Sebastian ignored the tantrum she was throwing and got to chopping firewood outside,it got really cold around here.

After half an hour of sobbing, Tamara walked to other parts of the cottage,if had a bedroom and bathroom, a kitchen and the living room.

It was just a matter of time and her Dad was going to solve everything then she'll be out of here and will be in a hot tub in santorini. If she was going to stay here might as well clean up,she thought,so she walked to the truck and grabbed the supplies that Sebastian had bought on the way here.

This must be easy she thought, she's seen the maids back at home do it numerous times,so she started with the bedroom.
She took out the old sheets, blankets and pillows.

Cleaned the dirty stove and cupboards in the kitchen and cleaned the ash from the fireplace in the living room.

She heard the engine of the old truck roar and quickly ran outside. Was Sebastian leaving her here?. She saw him drive away despite her waving at him and telling him to stop.

Tamara just stood there and watched the truck disappear ,it was going to be sun down soon and so she went back into the house and finished cleaning up. She couldn't get the old dusty couch clean so she just dusted it a little and covered it with a sheet.

She slumped into the couch and covered herself in a blanket. Her nails were broken, her hair was a mess and her muscles ached,she didn't know if Sebastian would be back and she was all alone in an old cottage in the middle of nowhere on a deserted farm.

Tamara started crying again. She didn't know when she fell asleep but when she got up she found the power turned on and the fire going in the fireplace. The cottage was much warmer than when they arrived.

Smelling the aroma coming from the kitchen her stomach grumbled. She doesn't remember when last she had a meal plus Sebastian hasn't fed her throughout the entire trip here.
She followed the sounds to the kitchen and saw Sebastian by the stove and another man seated by the table.

"You must be Ms Gaxiola, it's a pleasure to meet you",he said and drew out his hand but when he saw how dirty it was, shyly drew it back.

"It's nice to meet you too", Tamara hoarsely said. " Why didn't you tell me where you were going? I thought you left me",she says grabbing Sebastian's shoulder.

" I went to get Fin to help with the water and the electricity",he says and continues steering the pot of stool.

Seeing the water turned on , Tamara walked into the bathroom that was in the bedroom and found hot water running in there as well.
She grabbed her bag of toiletries and quickly got into the shower. She took in the lovely scent of her shower gel and scrub and she felt a little bit at home. The hot water relaxed her muscles as he let it run through her curly hair and down the rest of her body.
After a long and relaxing shower,she lotioned up and applied a face mask because she knew she had developed wrinkles and dark circles with everything that had happened.
She clipped off the rest of her nails and bandaged some that had broken off with part of her natural nails.
She put on the fluffiest pajamas she had and walked to the kitchen. She found Sebastian cleaning the dishes. It looked like they had eaten without her. She stood idly by the door, ashamed to ask if there was any food left.
Sebastian grab her a plate and handed her a serving. Tamara sat down and wolfed down the food she had no idea normal stool would taste so exquisite but again she hasn't had food for some time now.

"You clean your own plate after you're done with it", Sebastian says.

" I can't, I had broken my nails already from cleaning",she says and shows him some of her bandaged fingers.
Sebastian ended up cleaning her plate for her.

It was time to go to bed ,there was only one bed ,he had no choice but to sleep with her right? Tamara thought maybe coming here won't be so bad after all when she finally has Sebastian.
Sebastian, who had just stepped out of the shower and was drying his hair, saw through her thoughts and stopped himself from smirking. Wasn't she worried about her boyfriend on the way here?.

"You take the bed and I'll take the couch", he says and grabs a spare blanket and walks out.

" You won't be comfortable,I don't mind sharing the bed with you", she says and follows after him.

" My job here is to protect you and that's what I'll do",he says.

" Protect? What happened to the no one should know our location rule?", Tamara asked .

" Fin is a comrade of mine and he won't say anything so don't worry",he says and leans back placing his arms under his head.

" You want to sleep on the couch, suit yourself!",she says and stomps back to the bedroom slamming the door behind her.

Sebastian took out his phone to check the news about Tamara back in London. Ashton had programmed it so that they could not trace their location. She was labeled a fugitive wanted for embezzlement and attempted murder.

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