Thirty Seven

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It was lonely and scary on the little farm and the book of short horror stories she read earlier in the day didn't help at all.
Sebastian was supposed to arrive today but it was almost midnight and he wasn't here yet.

She sat on the swing bed that Sebastian made on the porch, wrapped in a shawl.

Earlier she had cleaned and dusted the little cottage. Sebastian should have been here by now,she looked through the window and sighed at the sight of the now cold candle light dinner. Just when she was about to go back inside,she saw a car's headlights break through the darkness.
Sebastian was back ,she didn't realize how much she missed him until now when she felt like squealing in excitement.

Tamara didn't waste much when she saw him get out of the car and ran into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Didn't you miss me that much?", He chuckled.

" No ", she said, burying her head in the nock of his neck.

"Have a goodnight you guys", Fin who brought Sebastian said after placing his luggage on the porch.
He carried her to the bedroom forgetting to carry his suitcase.

"No underwear?",he laughed when he felt her bare beneath his hands that were squeezing her ass.
She usually does wear underwear in her silk dresses,it has become a habit over the past years.
"I missed feeling you in between me", she smiled biting on his neck"

Sebastian took off her dress and threw her on the bed.
"Hands on your sides and spread your delicious legs for me",he commanded and took off the t-shirt and sweatpants he was wearing.

"I want to taste your sweet juices",he says as he gets on top of her.
His tongue ran across her folds making her hum in pleasure,he didn't have to do much to her because she was already wet. Only she knew how ready she already was for him.

He had the thought of teasing her a little but he also missed being inside of her,so he positioned himself at her entrance. He took her leg placed on his shoulder and began to slowly enter eyes.

Tamara's eyes rolled to the back of her head in pleasure.
Her insides clenched around him like a fist making Sebastia moan as well.
"Eyes on me Princess I want to see the face you'll make after I cum into you",he said, making her insides clench again.

He began thrusting into her fast and deeper,there wasn't any bondage this time but it was just as good as when he'd have her tied up.
"What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"Tamara asked Sebastian, who sat on the bed and was drifting off. They had just showered and Tamara was wrapping up her curls into a silk scarf.

She dropped her comb and reached for it under the bed when her hand caught something. It was a gift bag and inside was a navy blue velvet box,her stomach hollowed out as she brought out the little box from the gift bag and showed it to Sebastian.

"What's this?",she asked, please don't tell me you're planning on proposing,she wanted to add.
Being Sebastian was great she didn't know what to call their situation but whatever it was it was going great and it'd be a shame if something like a marriage proposal ruined it.

"It's nothing. I saw it and thought of you. It's a promise ring and I wanted to officially ask you to be my girlfriend but judging from the look on your face, there's no need to ask anywhere", he says and reaches for the boys in her hand.

"Sebastian I haven't even given an answer yet,these past months with you have been amazing,I don't know what to call this between us but whatever it is I know it's something special, I'll keep the ring and I'll give you your answer when you see me finally wearing it", she said and kissed him.

He had a lot to say to her but he was scared of how she'd react,but he had to tell her.
"Nora has asked for half of your grandmother's shares to drop the charges against you",he says.

" What!",

" Your grandmother is considering it", he continued.

"I'm not going to let them take advantage of my family, I'm going back and I'll make sure Michelle spits out the truth one way or the other, even if I have to beat her up for it", Tamara angrily said.

If this continues her family will be left bankrupt,the Silva's are taking advantage of her situation. Nora knew her daughter was the one that shot her but said she was the one that did. But now that the embezzlement situation is cleared she only has attempted murder as her charge.

"What are you going to do?", Sebastian asked .

" I'm going back, I'm not going to run away and I'm not going to let them take away grandaunt Linda's inheritance, it's too much"

" I can't let you", they will arrest you as soon as they step foot on the United Kingdom soil",

" I have my ways",she said and began packing up her stuff.

"Hey, are you sure you want to go back? Tamara,you may end up in prison", he says holding her hands in his.

" Of course Sebastian, I'm not going to let them take away everything that my grandmother and her family worked so hard to build,you don't have to come if you don't want to",she says, caressing his cheek.

" Okay fine we'll need three days to see if I can sneak you back in",

" Don't worry about it I have the perfect means for us to get in undetected", Tamara smiled, Sebastian had a feeling he wasn't going to like the idea.

She packed all the books she had found and snuck some of Sebastian's photos especially the ones when he was an infant and when he was in the army, it'd be a shame for them to continue collecting dust.

By the time it was morning she had everything packed , Sebastian was surprised she was going with more things than she came with,but didn't bother to ask her about it.

"Make sure to eat all of my vegetables Fin it would be a shame if they all went to waste". She was going to miss this place, she said her goodbyes to the chickens as well.

Fin drove them to the Port where they found their transportation waiting.

"She is a hell of a woman isn't she?", Fabian said to Sebastian who was also looking at Tamara who was clad in a bathing suit and laying under the sun. They were going to use his yacht to get her back into the country.

Sebastian just looked at Fabian and said nothing, because deep down he wanted to throw him off the boat so he wouldn't look at her with puppy dog eyes. Tamara was only his to look at and desire. If they wanted to prove her innocence they had to be closer to their enemies especially now that he knows Cole is working with the Silva's as well .

He was going to do all it takes to make sure she is safe. Fred Silva isn't as simple as he looks.

"You're lucky", Fabian continues despite knowing he isn't going to get a reply from Sebastian he continues talking to him.
"You've got the girl everyone wants,I can tell she really likes you, you're not like the rest of us. The way she looks at you and speaks to you is very different, I've never seen her like that before",he said.

Sebastian looked at Tamara and lightly smiled at what he said,of course it was different ,was what he wanted to say.

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