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The protest was so much that Michelle ended up getting arrested the very same night,when investigations were opened by the police.

"You have to do something,you have to get her out of prison Michelle would never do something like this",a sobbing Nora said.

" Don't worry if Michelle is really innocent she will be released", Tamara who stood next to Nora says.

" What do you mean if she's innocent!,of course she is innocent! You must be happy right? Now that Michelle is out of the way,the company is yours",she snaps at her.

" Nora! You need to control yourself!", Tamara's father angrily yells at her.

" How can you say such a thing Nora?"Tamara wrongly asks. Her father comforts her and tells her not to pay attention to Nora. No one had a wink of sleep that night including Tamara. She knows it seems to others that she hates Michelle's guts and must be celebrating right now but that is not true she is worried about her.

She changed into sweatpants and a t- shirt and grabbed her keys to go and visit Michelle. She didn't wake Sebastian up and decided to go by herself.

"I'm here to see Michelle Gaxiola",she said to the officer.

" Just a moment Ms ….?",

"Ms Gaxiola, I'm her sister Tamara",she says.

After writing something down,the office leads her to the holding cell Michelle is in.
"What are you doing here? You're here to laugh at me ain't you?", Michelle hoarsely says.

" I see Nora dropped by to bring you a blanket and some food",

" What do you want Tamara!", Michelle yells.

" I'm here to see you,to see how you're doing, I'm not here to mock you or anything" Tamara calmly says.

" Why are you doing this,you should be happy,I may end up serving 30 years in prison", Michelle says as tears stream down her face.

" I promise to get you out of here but I need you to be honest with me ,Michelle , do you really have nothing to do with this?", Tamara asked, holding her hands through the iron bars of the cell.

"Of course I have nothing to do with this",she says.

" Okay you'll be out of here by tomorrow I promise", Tamara reassured her.

" Why are you doing this for me?",she asked.

"Because despite everything you're still my sister", Tamara said. After asking Michelle some questions she found out which company lawyer handled everything on her behalf. She headed to the company to go and check the documents in her archive,to see if she could find the photocopy of the original paper Michelle signed.

"Why Are you helping her?", Kendra asked , Tamara could her the annoyance in her voice through the phone.

"She is my sister after all",

"But did she feel the same way after all the things she's been doing to you ,you left home because you couldn't deal with her anymore!",

" I know but I still need to get her out of there,will you arrange the press conference for me", Tamara says while she checks through Michelle's computer.
"Fine but you owe me a trip to Dubai"she, Kendra says.

"Fine", Tamara says and  finds the original scanned copy of the document which she printed out and read through.

It was entirely different from the document given to the victims,so the lawyer must have added extra clauses of his own and the money that Michelle had my grandmother authorised to be given to the victims was also stated with her signature there is no way she would sign a document like the one the victims signed.

Tamara took it and went home where she found everyone worriedly looking for her .
"Where did you sneak off to at a time like this Tamara?!", Her grandmother who looks like she just arrived says.

"She just wants to draw all the attention to herself",Nora comments.

" Where were you when she snuck out ,what if something happens to her?", Cole asks Sebastian, thinking of Tamara thinking of this bastard while she was with him made his blood boil. He had to get rid of him ,get him away from Tamara.

Tamara noticed Cole who sat with her grandmother and some other lawyers,she still hasn't apologized for what happened. She can't believe she did that this is the man she has been crushing on for such a long time and she just had to screw it up because of a stubborn man that won't give in.

" Look I don't know, what is up with you but you need to calm down", Tamara says,she doesn't know why Nora is acting so bitter towards her like she's the one that put Michelle in jail.

"You've never liked your sister, you've always envied her ,now you want to take advantage of this situation", she continues.

Tamara just rolled her eyes; she didn't have time for all this.
"Grandmother, do you remember signing this",she says handing the document to her grandmother that sat in a wheelchair,she must be very sick and was not willing to tell them she will talk to her about it later.

She took out her glasses and read through the whole thing "I don't know I don't remember very well, you'll have to forgive me honey my memory hasn't been very well,I will check with my assistant if I have a similar copy in my computer". She called her assistant who later confirmed there was a similar document .

"There it is ,so the lawyer must have added clauses to the documents so he kept all the funds released to the victims", Tamara says.

" I'll call the police and let them know about this right away", Cole says, stepping outside. Michelle going to prison would be of  benefit to him because then no one would stand in the way of Tamara inheriting the company,he knows Margaret won't leave it to her son to run , Victor just doesn't have it in him to run such a big company like it.

Tamara seems to be growing more interested in Sebastian the more he keeps rejecting her. He had to find a way to get rid of him.

He was annoyed that the involved him in this situation,how did that old man know his true identity, now he has something he can use against him.

The sun rose coloring the sky in gold,when the received the phone calm that the lawyer had committed suicide but he made transfers of huge amounts of money to an offshore bank account.

Tamara stood infront of many cameras defending her sisters name "it is a shame that the Gaxiola name was tainted by such lies,we for decades have always put integrity before anything else,we honor our promises and always fulfill our duties to our employees because we know that without them there would be no company,we are going to take full responsibility for the mistake made by the lawyer that deceived his employer and the victims,it is unfortunate that anyone of them had to experience this an infringement of their rights,we would like to thank the police for working tirelessly and the victims for peacefully listening to us".

Nobody thought that the Tamara would support the sister that she has been fighting with all this time,they expected her to do what she did the last time something happened to her sister, go out partying.
Her sister was robbed at gunpoint,it was all over the news but after the news was released to the public Tamara was seen in different nightclubs obviously confirming the rumors that the two heiresses don't get along.

After this many began seeing her in a different light, even Michelle was moved by Tamara's help in all of this even though she knew she was guilty and that without Cole's help she would have ended up in prison .

"Thank you",she said and hugged Tamara for the first time immediately after she was released.
"I wasn't going to let you go to jail", Tamara awkwardly said.

Nora didn't want them to get close and Tamara's help in all of this may have confused Michelle a little. Even though the evidence to clear Michelle's name was planted by Cole , Tamara believed Michelle to be innocent from the very beginning.

Speaking of Cole ,Nora would never have thought about his true identity but having him by their side was at their advantage then Michelle will be able to take over the company

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