1; home sweet home

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1 | home sweet home |

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1 | home sweet home |

As she stares down each an every corner of the room she realized how much she wasn't going to miss her dark room that she spent most of her life in. Renaya was used to being stuck in one tiny little space, her mother or father checking in on her with the most suffocating presence, to the point where she couldn't exactly stand it anymore.

The house was pretty decent, although it was meant for one person it had plenty of space.

She couldn't exactly get it out of her head about the fact that she would be all by herself from this day on, used to parents breathing down her neck watching her every little move just so she wouldn't become like anybody from the outside world. Ever since she was born her mother had practically kept her hidden from the world claiming that she'd be safer under the 'eyes of god' and that no one else can place their incriminating thoughts into her mind and practically let her think for herself.

Growing up, Renaya initially liked the thought of going outside and playing with the others. Neighborhood kids always looked like they were enjoying themselves as they always had wide grins on their faces as they played in the grass, little girls and boys playing with all kinds of wonderfull toys that Renaya would've loved to get her hands on. Yes, Renaya was able to play outside but usually all by her lonesome, playing with a yoyo in her fenced in back-yard all while wishing she could play with someone instead.

But quickly that original thought had dispersed when her own mother told her many stories of the outside world, Frightening her own child with over dramatic tellings. She used to think, 'how could the outside world be so bad?' But when you are little you tend to believe whatever your parents tell you and it seems to stick.

So getting older, Renaya developed a couple of problems. Just the thought of stepping out into the world without her parents just seemed irrational with her anxiety that made her body wither in long trembles. Now it wasn't exactly her fault that her own body refused to let her think for herself, she wasn't used to making her own decisions as her parents were always down her back.

"Very nice, isn't it?" The sweet tone of her fathers voice seranades the room as he walks up behind her, hands placed on her shoulders.

Out of her parents, Renaya fancied her father more. He was a sweet man, never raising his voice when she had done something that her mother deemed as bad behavior, him being there to soothe her when she just got done crying from her mothers constant yelling tantrums. He was there when she had that scrape on her knee from falling on the sidewalk, convincing her that she was still his big strong girl while wiping all of the tears that had fallen astray from her eyes.

"Yes father." Renaya claps her hands together, fingers hidden away by her white knit sweater. "I like the color theme, it's very pretty."

Her father- Lane, smiles as he moves to her side to eye the place with her, his smile slightly falling into a frown once he hears his wife talking with the movers.

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