4; never had that, but i wanted it

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 Song ; wish you were gay - Billie eilish

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Song ; wish you were gay - Billie eilish

4 | never had that, but I wanted it | 🍬💧

The next day was slower than usual. Waking up, Renaya surprisingly didn't get a call from her mother so she assumed she was at least too busy to- not like she was complaining.

Today she didn't have to go into work until later in the afternoon so that meant that she'd be getting off at a later time. So in the morning she wasn't too pressured to go and get ready, instead she saved her energy.

Of course she wasn't going to be dirty, Opting to take a good shower that had her feeling refreshed for the upcoming day. When picking out her clothing she goes for a simple tank top and pajama bottom combo before heading to the kitchen to make herself a bowl of cereal.

She didn't feel like making a big breakfast, wanting something quick since she wasn't feeling up to standing for too long.

After the food was made Renaya scooped up her bowl before heading to the living room, first setting the bowl down before turning on the tv, the show that popped up in the screen being SpongeBob. 

As said before, it was indeed a slow morning. The time seemed to pass by as if there was no change and Renaya was starting to get bored. Usually she'd scroll through the channels that would spark her interest but it seemed as though there was nothing good on, her phone was next.

With a small sigh, Renaya leans back against her cushions that sank in when applied soft pressure.

On the device she had played multiple games since she had gotten it, going through the App Store downloading and deleting each day as some games were fun and some weren't. Ultimately, she was just not interested in anything at the moment and she didn't see anything that she fancied.

Scrolling more through the app itself, Renaya goes the suggestions before falling upon what seemed to be a clothing app. From the pictures that reviewed what the app was about it looked like it was for online shopping.

Now that she had thought about it, this could be the perfect chance to find some clothes that she wanted to wear. She wouldn't be supervised by her mother- who would never let her wear anything that she didn't like in particular.

Renaya quickly pressed the download button, the blue shining back at her as it starts installing. Her thoughts immediately go back to the fact that she can finally find what she liked. Like any other girl she was already imagining how she'd look in certain items, practically day-dreaming about it with excitement plus the fact that she gets paid soon so she'd even have money to get what she wants.

The app was quick to load letting her click onto it, once she gets to the main screen it tells her to sign up using her email which she had already set up awhile ago. Renaya signs in before browsing each item to find what she desired, and there sure was a lot that she liked which was an instant add to her cart if the item was worth the price.

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