19 ; single and ready to-

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19 | single and ready to- |

It was too quiet.

Renaya doesn't know why she was so awkward but she didn't know what to say in this moment, it was so hard for her to be able to make conversation without making a fool of herself since she was more comfortable with being alone.

It doesn't help that the sight in the seat next to her was so breathtaking, Jeongguk's presence is very much nerve-racking. It would be embarrassing if she did something to make herself cringe later in the night and Ren did not need that on her conscience.

Honestly, Ren was terribly confused about if she was just being dramatic or if there was an intense feeling in the car surrounding the two. The feeling in her chest was similar to the one she felt when she first laid her eyes on him. But she just thought that it was because he was probably the most attractive person she has ever seen in this town.

It wasn't like he wasn't a sore thumb in the crowd, Jeongguk easily stuck out with how different he was compared to every one else. He looked so flawless from the way he dressed all the way to how he walked. Effortlessly beautiful, no one could deny.

But what really drew her to him the most was the way he was so soft around her although how hard his exterior was, he just seemed so loving and protective.

Renaya also enjoyed the way he liked to tease her, it was never too harsh but light poking at. For example, if she were to do something wrong or make a slight mistake with a drink, Jeongguk would joke around saying that she was fired. Sometimes he would get a little more bold, he would go in for a nudge with his arm, or maybe a boop on Rens nose. It was all small things but she still loved them.

"You can play music if you want." Jeongguk offered. His voice was quiet and soft sounding but pleasing too.

Renaya looks over at him, checking him out selfishly this time.

"You probably wouldn't like my music." Renaya knew about how some people didn't care to listen to gospel music so she assumed that wasn't his type either.

"How do you know what I don't like." He asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at her once he took his eyes off of the road to look back at her.

Ren lightly bites at the skin of her bottom lip before smiling at him.

"I don't know."

Renaya doesn't make the move to connect her phone, she wasn't in the mood to listen to that at this time anyways.

"You should play yours." Ren suggested. She was actually pretty curious to know what he chooses to listen to. Jeongguk stays quiet, going to reach for his phone that was in the cup holder between them.

Immediately after he pressed down the Bluetooth button, it connects to his car and Jeongguk puts on his playlist for her.

The first song starts to play through the speakers as Jeongguk resumes driving, never making a single mistake on the road.

The melody starts out slow and the beat lightly drops over and over again before a man starts to harmonize with it.

"Baby I just don't get, Do you enjoy being hurt?

I know you smelled the perfume,

The makeup on his shirt,

You don't believe his stories,-"

The music fades to a background noise when all she could focus on was the way she felt right now. There was something so important about this moment and she just knew that she would think back to it a lot. Although the song was pleasing to the ear and the artist had a beautiful voice, sadly it wasn't what was on her mind. It wasn't as distracting as Jeongguk was.

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