3; something about the boy

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Song; day n nite - Kid Cudi

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Song; day n nite - Kid Cudi

3 | something' about the boy |

Like Lena said, Renaya was trained the first two days and it didn't take her long to be able to get all the drinks down. It probably helped that the menu wasn't that big, mostly consisting of a couple of hot coffee, iced coffee and a few pastries. Lena said she didn't have to deal with the pastries as much beside handing them out to the customer who ordered them. So the past couple of days went pretty smoothly since the shop wasn't the type to be too busy and that's what she liked about it.

Since this was the first week that meant that she'd get paid next Friday and she absolutely couldn't wait until then because she always wanted to go out shopping for herself.

The shop wasn't busy today so she was just busy cleaning up but of course her mind traveled to the thought of what she could buy next week, the anticipation was almost clear on her face.

Light music played from the speakers, Renaya listened to the soft music as she swept the front, making sure to get into the crevices. When everything is swept she immediately switched her cleaning supplies to a rag and the cleaner so she could get the tables.


Jeongguk wasn't too keen on the looks he always got by the citizens in this small town that he had moved too. In the beginning he assumed that since the place was tiny that he wouldn't have to worry too much about anything but the way the people acted just because he didn't look or act like them bothered him.

When he moved here he expected people to mind their own business but that apparently wasn't the case since that was all they could do. But he couldn't do anything about it now since he had already got a place, plus the job he got wasn't too bad- it was quiet and it didn't demand too much from him.

Even though the people literally judged him with a obvious gaze he couldn't help but enjoy the way that the town wasn't too stressful. Jeongguk was the type of person to need his own space twenty four seven, he liked the way that the town was pretty quiet besides the kids who played in the streets but he didn't mind it all that much.

Obviously he wasn't oblivious to the way he differed from every one else, while the rest mostly consisted of older people who stayed inside most of the day, Jeongguk had a complete different image. He knew it was because of the way he wore black every day, because he had multiple piercings in his face and tons of tattoos on his arm. But he truly didn't care how they thought of him, to him they were all dried up prudes that made tasteless chicken.

He knew that because his youngest neighbor came over and gave it to him as a housewarming gift but he took one bite out of it before throwing it in the trash along with the pot she put the nasty food in. If she wanted it back, he couldn't care less- Shouldn't have made the food so gross.

The only reason he even moved here was because he wanted to get far away from his old city as possible, where he grew up was a whole other world compared to where he moved to and something about the fact comforted him.

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