24; camera

942 55 46

                        24 | camera |

Song ; I wanna be yours by Arctic Monkeys


"I like it." Renaya looks around his house, everything was so dark but comfy looking at the same time.

Although everything was basically black and grey, there was a dim light that made the room look a little blue giving it a unexpected feeling inside his home but she honestly liked it.

He was so different, showing her in many different ways. It even showed in the comparison of their homes. While she had a light to hers, he had the opposite vibes.

Jeongguk watches her walk around slowly, taking in every little detail. Meanwhile he couldn't keep his eyes off of her admiring his home, Renaya was the center of his attention at all times when she was around.

And he had no shame in that.

"You thirsty?" He asked out of politeness, he honestly didn't know what to say to her, bringing a girl home that he was obsessed with wasn't anything he had done before.

Renaya turns around, eyes on him again with an obvious smile. He could just tell by the way she looked him in the eyes that she wanted him, she was so easy to read in this moment, almost as if she really wanted him to.

"Water sounds good for now." She said, Renaya didn't want to sound unhealthy in front of him or something, she already felt uncomfortable in her own skin so the thought of him being disgusted by her choices was always going to plague her mind.

Jeongguk slowly nods, walking away to get her a water was already off the table when all he could think about was kissing her.

Renaya had such pretty brown lips, brown that faded into a pinkish tone on the center of her lips. Her face was round and her cheeks were chubby which gave her an innocent look that he truly admired about her.

Then does he remember what he was supposed to do when she coughed causing him to go back into reality.

Quietly, Jeongguk makes his way back to the kitchen, the wood floor creaking with every step since his boots were so heavy.

Everything about this was new to Renaya.

Going over to a man's house?

She never thought that would happen to her, it seemed like something that she was too introverted to do but here she was.

Renaya stood in his living room, awkwardly playing with her fingers since she didn't know what to do. Something about sitting on someone else's furniture without them knowing first seemed so off to her but she didn't know why.

So she just stands there still looking around, while doing so she began take notice in the small details of the dimmed room. The couch was the first thing she was looking at, it was a medium sized couch that actually seemed very comfy.

The cushions were soft looking and there was a lot of fluffy blankets on the top which made Renaya want to snug herself in there and just take a long comfortable nap.

Turning her head she sees a journal that sits on the coffee table in front, it had a long string hanging from the bottom of it so she assumed it was like a book mark. Just seeing it had her curious already, but she knew better than to snoop.

She would feel it would be extremely disrespectful to go through anyone's personal items knowing it wasn't for her eyes unless told so.

But she wasn't so she began to lose interest before gazing at the wall that had almost no picture frames. Jeongguk had no family pictures with him apparently as far as she could tell which was a little odd but who was she to judge him.

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