6; angels sinner

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6 | angels sinner💧🍬 🥀|

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6 | angels sinner💧🍬 🥀|

Talks about dieting, weight, and insecurities.
        Song; loyalty - Kendrick Lamar and Rihanna

It was Sunday, the perfect day to stay in and just chill. Renaya had this day off because the shop was closed on sundays but of course she wasn't truly able to catch a break since her mother made sure to let her know that she'd be coming along with them.

Surprisingly she didn't call this morning, which meant that she got to wake up by a regular alarm that kept ringing and ringing. The sound was extremely annoying and she was too tired to get up but she knew in the long run she'd regret not getting ready.

And surely a certain someone would throw a fit if she didn't look decent.

Getting ready was bit of a hassle, last night she had forgotten to put her clothes in the dryer so they were still wet. Because of the mishap she had to go through the clothes that she didn't exactly feel like wearing, in the pile that sat on the bed she moved each piece in annoyance.

The clothes that she had washed had cuter items.

So far the cutest item that she found was a long yellow dress that her mother had gotten her for church, it was pretty basic looking and Renaya didn't care too much for it but she would settle for it.

Renaya swiped it off the bed before walking over to the bathroom, quickly she undressed and pulls the dress on

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Renaya swiped it off the bed before walking over to the bathroom, quickly she undressed and pulls the dress on. Looking at it she couldn't remember the last time she had worn it, she didn't know why she didn't it just never was truly desired if she thought about it.

All she could think about was that rare genuine smile that her mother gave her when she accepted the gift. She wished she could see it all of the time but sadly that wasn't the case when it came to the older woman.

With a small sigh, Renaya fixed her hair the way she wanted it. Today she didn't feel up to doing something ' extraordinary' so she just went with leaving her curls down, Renaya accepted the outfit with one last look in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom to find some shoes to match.

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