first day

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y/n pov

I wake up instantly exited for this afternoon. today was my first day of set of the new marvel movie. Marvel being marvel couldn't tell me much about the job but ill be playing a new avenger, there is nothing set in stone about my character after this movie. but other than that it was pretty cool. 

Most of the other acting jobs ive done were just small parts or side characters. But everyone knows marvel and i was the main cast. you'd think with my parents would be proud. but when i told them they weren't even phased. im not even sure they remember. they barely talk to me unless they want something, atleast they leave me dinner. some nights. 

I get ready quickly and rush downstairs to head out. Usually i would say goodbye to my parents but i have no idea where they are so instead i just leave. its hard to keep close friends at school with me leaving for months at a time.

 it sounds lame but i have this 1 teacher she's my drama teacher and shes always been super nice to me. so ill hang out with her some breaks. We talk about marvel a lot and since i wasn't allowed to tell anyone other than my parents about the job, i cant wait until she finds out im in the next movie.

15 minutes later i was walking through the doors of my school.  Only a couple people in the school knew i acted. im sure alot of people have seen me in stuff but not recognized it. the biggest stuff i was in was sherlock holmes (the benedict one) and fear street. i only had like a couple lines in each of those movies so most wouldn't recognize me. but i was also a nickelodeon kid. 

alot of kids make fun of me, especially this one group and when i was younger they told me i was most likely dropped as a baby or swapped in the hospital. but it doesn't matter i don't care enough for it to get to me.

Time skip to the end of the day

Walking out of school i see a black car with tinted windows parked out the front. when the person standing next to it saw me they lifted a sign they were holding. It had my name on it so i nodded they then opened the door and motioned me to get inside. kind of kidnapper ish but i was used to it. 

I did as i was told sitting in the back and putting my bag by my feet. The driver doesn't say anything so it was awkward. i go to go on my phone but its dead. wonderful. Looking out the window i see us coming up to a place with tons of trailers and a couple warehouses. Trucks and cars were parked around, different scaffolding and harnesses were outside.

 Honestly it's the biggest set ive been on. I live just out of LA so big movie sets werent out of the ordinary. The driver stops at the gate so i get out standing there as they drive off. The huge set was a bit over whelming so slowly i took a step towards where i saw other people.

The russo brothers recognized me and ran over "y/n! you made it" joseph russo smiled patting my back. they showed me around a little before saying its time to meet everyone. they lead me to a studio. Inside was the cast for the movie, they were all sat on couches eating various foods, i had been on a zoom call with them in the weeks coming up but now i was meeting them in person and it was alot more real. I looked around i knew everyone, god this was gonna be weird, I've been a marvel fan for a while and know creepily much about them all.

"okay guys this is y/n y/l/n, you may recognize her from the zoom calls but she will be playing the new avenger, Alina Maximoff" they announce. so im like wandas sister or something?

"i get a sister?!"  Elisabeth olsen asks with a smile standing up coming over to us but the russos just shake their head.

"cousin" they say in sync and leave to do whatever while i was told to get to know the cast. Elisabeth grabs my hand and pulls me over to where the rest of the cast was.

"so y/l/n, tell us about yourself" Chris Evans says leaning back in the couch. Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner sat next to him rdj and mark Ruffalo sat on another couch. Chris Hemsworth was also coming in from a door with a bottle of water. God everyone's here. i also noticed walking around was Anthony Mackie, Sabastian stan, and a couple others i could only see the backs of their heads.

"what do you want to know" i stand there out of place. Elisabeth notices and pulls me to sit next to her on the couch. I smile at her gratefully which she returns. before anyone else could ask robert downey jr had something to say.

"okay i cant keep this in. y/n i just wanted to say i absolutely loved you in Sherlock Holmes" Robert compliments quickly gushing to the others about the monoluge i had. i smile at him blushing.

"i had like 5 minutes of screen time but thank you" i say tapping my fingers on my legs in attempt to calm my nerves.

"best 5 minutes of the movi" rdj smiled.

"lets keep it simple. whats your favourite colour" mark asks guestering a hand towards me.

"um (a colour)" i say shrugging my shoulders i dont usually think about it. they nod and we end up talking for a while until the russo's walk back in with a stack of papers.

"here are your final scripts" they say in unison handing them out. I realise mine is only a couple pages much like the others so i figured they must give us the script for only a few scenes considering how secret this project is. 4

Everyone disperses to learn their lines. I follow some of them outside to the trailers and soon find mine its between scarlets and chris h's. opening the door i realise its bigger than any of the trailers ive had. I sit on the bed and flick through the lines. I don't know how but i remember lines really easily so within an hour ive learned them all.

I decide to explore the set a bit more the russos said we were allowed anywhere so i might as well. i put my music playing a random playlist. 

Walking back into the main area i see couches, fridges, a kitchen, tv and pool table. damn none of the other movies ive been on had this much. but then again none of them probably have this much of a budget. I walk a bit more and find a small gym area. Having a gym on set is convenient but it smells like sweat so i leave closing the door.

I wonder around more until i get to a table with a bunch of food. i guess its craft services. I look at it for a second before just taking a water bottle and walking away. "you can have something to eat" i hear scarlets voice behind me. I turn around taking a step back towards the table.

"uh no im not that hungry, i was just looking around ms Johansson' i lie and smile genuinely intimidated by her. 

"please call me scarlett" she wishes and i nod, making an excuse to leave again. 

a couple hours of screen tests and camera reads the days almost over. "alright guys you can all go home, drive safely and see you tomorrow" joe says finally. Everyone packs up from their scene and heads home. 


I literally have an entire word document of story ideas.

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