3 ducks

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tw talk of death and dying

y/n pov
my bottom lip started shaking as i tried to hold back my tears. lizzie noticed and picked me up into her lap wrapping her arms around me in a warm hug.

thank god for tinted windows. i don't need paps seeing me act like a child.

i started crying at lizzie's speech. i couldn't form words as she held me so carefully as if i could break but the embrace was so comforting.

i don't deserve this. why me of all people why do i get to be happy.

"don't forget your worth y/n" lizzie said as if she could hear my thoughts. i wrapped my arms around her resting my head on her chest where i could hear her heart beat.

this is real.

i felt myself falling asleep as i felt so safe and at peace. "if this wasn't illegal i would let you sleep here sweetheart" she laughed gently shaking me to wake me up more.

"i feel like a nice coffee. why don't we go drive through a cafe, get you some breakfast since you didn't have anything earlier then go home and get ready for today" she offered and i nodded moving back to my seat.

i lean round the back of the front seats and grab the blanket kept back there wrapping it around myself.

i should have really just fallen back asleep earlier instead of staying up all morning and spilling my life to my girlfriend.

we finally pulled out of the hospital car park and drove around till we found a place you can drive through. neither of us wanting to be caught by the paparazzi right now.

time skip back hoe

i walked into the house and chris cheered as he saw me out of the cast. i was told we were leaving in half an hour so i wasted no time i'm going to my room.

when i entered however i was met with a completely shirtless dahlia.

"shit sorry" i said looking over to my wardrobe as she put a bra on.

"it's fine mia cara" she laughed walking over to me and wrapping her arms around my waist. "how was the appointment" she kissed my cheek.

"it was good, everything's gone well" i said flicking through clothes very unsure on what to wear.

dahlia hummed and we stood like that for a while. "i almost told lizzie about it" i added.

"yeah? that's progress" she congratulated "what stopped you" she said pulling away to finish getting ready.

"i don't know. i felt like i couldn't say anything" i gave up finding something to wear and collapsed into my bed.

"i fell like i don't know how to talk about anything. but that can't be true cause i told you the whole story this morning" maybe somethings wrong with me.

"maybe you fear lizzie will think it's your fault like you do. which it isn't by the way. you were like 9 you couldn't have stopped what happened even if you tried" she came over to me cupping my face. "and if you had done anything there's a big chance you would both be gone"

would that be such a bad thing. i obviously didn't say that out loud but i think my silence told dahlia everything.

she rubbed her thumbs over my cheeks as tears started spilling out of my eyes for the third time today and it's barely 10am. my period coming or some shit.

i didn't feel like talking anymore so we ended up laying in bed together until it was 5 minutes before we had to leave.

i chucked together a decent outfit before "ruining" it with one of evans hoodies. it was a duck tales one i loved it. so did he. and he didn't know i had it.

dahlia and i walked down stairs hand in hand and was met with some of the parents trying to rangle together their little kids.

"i am so glad i got straight to the teenager era" lizzie laughed to scarlett as collin was chasing rose around the kitchen table trying to get her to put her dress on properly. the poor kid thought it was a game.

and as kids do the other little kids around that age started chasing people.

"yeah well when she graduates and goes of to collage i'll be laughing then" scarlett fired back.

"you'll be crying" lizzie shook her head now greeting me as dahlia was called over by her mum.

"HAS ANYONE SEEN MY DUCKTALES HOODIE" chris shouted from upstairs. rdj turned to me and winked.

"TO LATE EVANS WERE LEAVING" with that we all rushed out the door into the several cars needed to transport our group.

most families had one car to them selves so we all jsut sat wherever there was space.

chris, tom, lizzie, me and zendaya we're put in a car and they all voted cause i was the youngest i had to sit in the middle seat.

i hopped in first getting comfortable making sure to spread out and claim my territory but when tom and zendaya got in on either side of me the smirked at eachother before both pushing against me so i was being squashed between them.

"comfy y/n"zendaya laughed. pulling her phone out to take a 0.5. they then relaxed and the car was spacious so it wasn't uncomfortable. but we did take several photos.

chris was driving while lizzie was on aux and everyone in the car was enjoying the britney spears she had put on.

when we met up with everyone at the shops scarlett was cursing a storm at how cosmo had thrown up over himself and her. the johansson-jost family left to the bathrooms saying they would meet us inside.

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