life with lizzie

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with her head rested on dahlia they sat at lunch talking about whatever. they were outside again on the grass and you could see the oval when a couple of the senior boys were playing football. the ball comes near us a few meters away and a guy comes sprinting over for it. 

"what are you doing playing american football" dahlia asks who y/n now recognises to be hayden dahlias brother.

"some guy named jackson, i think he's in your year, thought he could tackle me an you know me" he explains "you must be y/n, how's it goin mate" he holds his hand out to shake

"i m fine thank you, what about you" she asks, thinking she sounds to formal

"yeah not to bad, well cya" he finishes running off with the ball. 

"your hole family is so athletic" y/n states sitting up and looking back at dahlia. beginning to pick out the grass "mine just sit around all day doing fuck all" y/n says the second part a bit quieter

"yeah i guess so, your athletic tho" 

"me athletic" y/n just sat there staring at her

"dude you do stunts for a living, and what about that avengers training you had to do" 

"pain pain and more pain" is all she replys "speaking of which i do need to go back to the gym soon, ugh effort" dahlia laughs 

"hows filming?" 

"not to bad recently, i dont have that many more scenes, well until we go to Atlanta then i got a shit load" y/n begins to ramble "i cant wait to go to atlanta because everyone has rented a house together so we will be staying together and i just think thats gonna be quite fun, i think for a week while we are away while everyone is on break each of the casts partners is going to bring their kids up and i think chris is getting his brother to bring dodger, its gonna be one big family and im just really exited" y/n breathes "sorry" 

"its okay y/n/n, and wait your going to atlanta?!" (forgot if ive told her) dahlia asks "how long"

"oh shit i forgot to tell you" y/n laughs "uh a month or 2 maybe" 

"2 MONTHS" dahlia says shocked

"yeah uh we gotta go around places for filming so like a few weeks in atlanta then Scotland, Budapest, New Zealand, i think thats it" 

"well prepare for spam if i cant see you for 2 months" dahlia comments 

"can't wait" y/n laughs "want a brownie" she changes the subject pulling out a container of brownies elizabeth had made. she nod taking a middle piece

"fuck these are good, who made them" dahlia humms taking another bite

"lizzie did, shes really good at baking the other night we were baking cupcakes, they turned out really good but mid making she decided to start a flour fight" i laugh at the memory 

"your life is so interesting, my mum cant bake so she makes me bake everything" for the rest of break they both share fun little storys. 

time skip end of the day 

y/n pov

i was waiting for lizzie since school just ended, we had discussed about what we could do about my parents this morning and lizzie gave me the option of telling my story to the police so they could go behind bars and couldn't have custody of me. i agreed as all i wanted was to have them out of my life. 

her car pulled up and i stood up from the bench walking over to the front seat. "hey sweetheart how was school" lizzie asks with a smile 

"eh draining, all the timetables had changed so we were running around all day, my science teacher is so mean, i met dahlias brother hayden he seems cool. we played dodge ball in pe it was 4 v 1 at one point but then i got them out and dahlia and i ended up tying. she complemented your brownies to" i go on a rant about my day "what about you how was your day"

"pretty relaxed actually since we are not needed on set today, tided the house, healed some of my plants" lizzie explains pulling out of the school. i nod fiddling with my fingers as i was still kinda nervous about what we were about to do.

like what if it gets denied or they dont believe me. what happens if i end up in foster care, will i get to see lizzie again, what about work and trips. what if they are like my parents. what will happen to lila, there is so many what ifs im dont realise it but im panicking. 

"hey whats up?" lizzie asks seeing my state. she grabs my hand giving it a squeeze as most of her attention had to be on the road. although she did glance at me "if you dont want to go in today i understand, everything is still fresh, it only happened recently. i can turn around and we can go straight home" lizzie offers 

"i... um" i take a deep breath "could we just go home please, i dont think i can today" i needed time to think about all the what if and get the irrational ones crossed off

"thats okay honey, i understand" lizzie assured taking a right instead of left. 

"sorry" i mumble feeling bad, lizzie immediately assured me it was no issue again but i still felt bad for ruining the plans 

a couple minutes later lizzie got a text. "could you see who that is please" 

"uh its scarlett" i say pulling up her phone. lizzie asks what she said so using my fingerprint i get in and see its a photo on scarlett with two kids on her in our house. "shes asking where we are, um shes in our house, with rose and cosmo, does she even have a key?"

"she didnt but obviously stole the spare" i laugh lizzie smiles "tell her we will be home soon" 

i nod typing the message using the type of grammar words and emojis she would use. 


i cannot wait to write the trip to atlanta like legit bro

hows life dweebs

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