people know me now

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y/n pov

Its been a couple days and my family was going on their trip not tomorrow but the day after so i started staying at set longer going there earlier and only leaving around 8. I was there for around 13 hours a day if i wasn't at school. Today i was going to school again after being off for 3 days for filming.

Walking into English i sit in the back away from people as the English teacher starts welcoming people into class. After sitting down at her desk and doing the roll the teacher puts up the power point for today. I lazily look over at the screen to see the sherlock holmes poster, more specifically the one i was in. this class was 2 hours long so we were gonna watch the whole movie. My class would definitely recognise me.

'okay class so as you know we have been watching movies and assessing characters in it so this next film is sherlock holmes, so enjoy the movie and take notes'

The movie begins to play and it gets to the bit im in. i feel people looking at me than back at the screen back at me than whispering to their friends. Suddenly the teacher pauses the screen and im in the shot. Brilliant if anyone didn't notice then they surely did now.

'uh y/n-?' the teacher starts, i sigh and look at her

'yes that's me ms' i inform them all. A bunch of people start whispering

'okay class settle down, y/n if you could see me after class' with that the teacher plays the movie. For the rest of the class i cant help but wonder if im in trouble.

End of class

'y/n a word' the teacher waves me over to her desk. 'are you lying about this being you' she raises her eye brows

'no ms, look it up ive acted in sherlock holmes, fear street, stranger things,and a couple more minor rolls' i inform her just wanting to eat my lunch.

'oh i guess your right y/n, sorry for doubting you' she apologises.

'its okay ms, see you on Monday' i wave and leave heading down the halls to my spot on the stairs. taking out a sandwich i got from set yesterday i eat it in piece. No one really bothered me, a new kid named taylor was getting shown around and i over herd them saying

'is that y/n y/l/n' it sounded almost as if he was exited. Weird i didn't know people would know me that much.

The next class i got a couple looks i guess word spread faster so now people notice me more than id like. We were dissecting a frog today which wasn't pleasant. A boy in my class was using the tools we had to hold it up and make it dance in peoples face.

Today was my off day from set so i decided to walk around the shops for a while. around 5 tho they closed so i started walking home. When i got home i saw suitcases on the floor and once again no food. The lack of food was really getting to me. Id have to stash some more tomorrow at set. Actually i gat paid in about an hour so ill buy some food and keep in in my trailer. i got a fridge in there .

Timeskip to the next day

I walk into humanities sitting in the seating plan that sucked. It meant i was near the front but my desk was on a wall so it was fine. Sitting down i hear my phone start to go off. I was about to check it in-case it was work but got a glare from my teacher. Sighing i lean back in my chair learning about Japan and its hierarchies throughout time. How America invaded in its time when it closed itself off from the world all that.

20 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

Elisabeths pov

We had just gotten a call that dates changed so everything was pushed forward a bit, but this meant that we needed y/n on set, i knew her school was close so after the directors couldn't get a hold of her i asked if me and scarlet could go pick her up from school, they said yes so we headed to her school.

Walking up the stairs and into the office we ask when y/n's class would be, the office lady was a bit surprised at our presence and started looking it up. 'terrace 1 room 18' she tells us and gives us a map to where it was. We smile and thank her before walking down the halls. When we get to the class i see y/n with her head against the window looking bored out of her mind. Scarlet takes a photo and we knock on the door the door opens for us once again to be faced with a shocked adult. After they recovered they stepped aside to let us in. a lot of gasps and chattering started. I looked at y/n but saw she had music in and wasn't paying attention. Wow.

'so uh ms Olsen, ms Johansson, what brings you to our class' the teacher asks nervous

'we just need to take y/n' scarlet explains. After hearing her name y/n looks at the front confused before being shocked at us at school. The teacher excuses her and y/n packs up her stuff.

'you really came to my class' y/n says blushing at the attention.

'you didn't answer your phone' i say wrapping my arm around her shoulders as we leave the class

'i was in school lizzie' she tells us getting in the back seat. Faintly i can here her stomach grumbling

'hungry?' i ask looking at her through the mirror.

'huh-oh y-yeah, ill just grab something at set' she says and i smile

'nonsense we can grab some food on the way where do you wanna go' i ask both her and scarlet

'taco bell!' scarlet says already grabbing her wallet, i look back at y/n

'i really don't mind' with that its settled and i drive us to taco bell

3rd person pov

As they walk onto set throwing their trash in the bin anthony instantly put a hand on his chest mocking hurt because he didn't get any the girls laugh and get ready for filming. 


idk if i like this chapter but here it is 

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