school drama

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scarlets pov

'what happened' i ask dahlia she looks at me surprised for a second before telling me the details 

'we were in class and it just so happens this teacher will make you put your phone on speaker if you get a call so that happened to y/n. when she pulled her phone out her eyes widened but she answered the call. instantly it was a woman yelling at her threw the phone screaming things like how she was a disappointment, saying she should have given her up when she got a chance. shes the worst thing that ever happened to the family. she called y/n a uh fucking bastard, and a usless bitch. saying stuff about sending stuff to her sister?. but when the lady said that y/n got confused, when the person on the call took a breath, y/n said that they have the wrong number and hung up' dahlia tells me recalling the event. i could tell she wasnt done so i waited 'when we got out of class she started panicking than the alarm started and that made it worse. she went into the bathrooms and fell against the wall. a couple minutes later thats when i called uh lizzie' she finishes and i nod. 

'okay thank you for telling me' i nod and lean against the wall. 'so your the famous dahlia' i ask with a smirk. she looks taken aback for a second

'what do you mean' she questions 

'y/n was telling us about you yesterday, love the accent' dahlia blushes. and i have to admit dahlia was pretty like lizzie had described earlier today and suddenly the alarm stops.  an announcement for everyone to stay in there classes for now is herd since apparently they were meant to be on break alot of people groaned. 

lizzies pov

'your okay sweetheart' i whisper hugging her just as tightly. i tuck her hair behind her ear and thats when i see a purple bruise 'y/n what did you do to your neck' i ask her. she lifts her head from my chest confused. shakily getting up she goes over to the bathroom mirror looking at it. 

'oh idk, could be anything i bruise easily' she says shrugging. i did assume this since she randomly came into work with bruises. 

'okay?' i answer

'i think it could even be when i was walking and the hood of my hoodie got stuck and choked me' she laughs and i join her laughing softly as i recall all the times the belt loop of jeans get stuck on door handles and stuff like that. i bring her into a hug

'are you okay now? or do you want to go home' i ask her 

'im okay, ill see you later at work' she tells me and i nod

'and if anything comes up, anything at all you call me okay, any time' i tell her she smiles and nods tearing up a bit 'hey no dont cry' i pull her into a hug confused 

'sorry, im fine' she laughs suddenly there was a knock at the door and roberts voice. 

scarletts pov

 downey walked down the hall a grin on his face ice cream in hand. and as i thought evans walks round the corner a second later. with like 5 mc flurrys in hand. he stops by us and offers them i take a m&m one when chris turns to dahlia who looks so shocked right now

'do you want one' he asks, she smiles and thanks him taking an oreo one. he takes a flake one for himself before knocking on the bathroom door. 

'icecream besties' downey calls before chris could say anything we laugh and the door opens. 

out comes a tear stained y/n and a teary eyed lizzie. but they both have smiles on their faces tho so all seems well

'sorry for dragging you into this' y/n laughs whispering to dahlia 

'its perfectly okay y/n/n' she smiles. they all sit and eat icecream just outside on a bench  

'wait shoudnt you guys be in class?' chris questions after a while. 

'shit' they both say running back into the school building. not before thanking us and y/n giving us a hug. 

y/n pov

we get back into the building and grab our bags from the hook in the last class. 'girls! class started 5 minutes ago chop chop' a teacher down the hall yells. we laugh and run to class. 

we arrived just in time since the teacher was also late. perfect. 

3rd person pov

'so thats dahlia?' chris questions once they get in the car 

'yeah i met her this morning' lizzie says casually 

'i feel like ive seen her before' rdj comments thinking 

'really?' scarlet asks

'mmm' he says trying to recall where from 

'looks like we are needed back on set' evans says checking his phone to see Sebastian spaming him to come back

'im going im going' scarlet says from the drivers seat

dahlias pov 

'so the marvel cast?' i question 

'yeah. dont tell anyone, i mean you can tell your parents if you want but i dont want people in school to find out' she tells me and i nod

'ur life is so cool dude' i say leaning back in my chair onto its back 2 legs

'not really' she laughs and that makes me almost fall

'dude ur a literal famous actor, hanging out with world famous actors, working on a marvel movie. cant get that much cooler.' i tell her incase she forgot. she makes a straight line with her lips sighing 

'yeah i guess your right' she laughs and was about to say something else when the teacher came in 

'sorry im late guys my son broke his arm' (thats what one of my teachers said the other day) the teacher says dumping all her stuff on the table and beginning the lesson. 'okay so your partner for this project is just you desk partner, you can swap if you want but make it quick' the teacher starts organising papers. a couple kids swap and the teacher hands out a paper.

lilas pov again 

'mummy, y/n is sending mean things still' i fake cry once we get into the hotel room

'she is so in for it when we get home, she is RUINING this vacation and shes not even here what a brat' dad says 

'here you go darling, it was the money for y/ns birthday next month but you have it' mum says handing over $50

'and here is some more for our sweet girl' dad says handing over another 50. perfect i got them wrapped around my finger 

'go spend it in the arcade downstairs or something, theres more money for the rides tomorrow' 

'okay i will thank you mummy thank you daddy' (i cringed, i read to much) i smile leaving the room. for fucks sake this was easier than i thought.


i fucking hate this bitch 

anygay IM BACK 



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