the return

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y/n pov

"i am indeed" i smiled, she had a small fan girl moment which gave me butterflies cause like its me not elizabeth olsen or anything. 

"so cool" she shook her head. "okay captain america or ironman" 

"iron man easy" i shrugged glad evans was not here. 

"is that so y/n" i heard his voice behind me. just my luck.

"heyyy evans" i smiled turning around in my chair to see him. 

"and to think i let you be my prank buddy" he shook his head a look of disapproval on his face. 

"love you chris" i gave him a hug and he hugged me back patting my back. 

"do you, do you rrreally" he said pulling away and heading to the toilets. but walking away doing the i got my eyes on you motion, however you explain it. 

i turned back to billie and she had her jaw slacked shaking her head in astonishment. a flight attendant came around with the cake she ordered but she passed it back. "could you go give this to the man in seat 13C" she requested making the flight attendant nod. 

"whos there?" i asked confused. 

"my dad, one of our seats got upgraded and i told him to take it, more comfortable for him and all that but he insisted i got the seat" she explained and i nodded. 

"he sounds sweet" i smiled happy for her. 

"he is, ever since my mum died its just been us two" she explained. "sorry, i just met you thats probably too personal" 

"nothing is ever to personal for me, i overshare when i first meet people too" i assured.

"have you seen those things where the reason you over explain to someone who listens is because no one listened to you in your childhood" she tilted her head at me. 

"yeah i definitely agree with that, do you?" 

"a little, i feel bad to say i do cause my parents tried but it was hard for them to listen to everything i had to say" 

"my parents just stopped caring about me when my brother died" we continued throwing trauma bombs and we seemed to really understand each other but also for different reasons.  

her mum died when she was 11 from cancer, my parents and brother died from drowning pretty much. i felt like we had been talking for ages but when i checked my phone it had only been 3 hours. 9 left. 

most of the plane was sleeping at this point as it was 9 and im assuming everyone here was rich and had normal sleep schedules. or they are just tired from traveling. 

billie and i kept talking and we were trying to stop ourselves from laughing and disturbing the people around us. we timed another movie perfectly for us to watch together snd by the time that was over it was late, i think. i dont really know what timezone im in right now. 

i reclined my seat and pulled a blanket over me. when i woke up next apparently we were landing. i got billies insta so i could stalk it when we get to the hotel. it was 5 am now so like 11am yesterday in atlanta. i hate time. 

she rushed off the plane to make sure she didnt loose her dad in the chaos. so i grabbed my stuff and walked off with lizzie. "so we all got those interviews tonight" she said wrapping an arm over my shoulders. 

"oh i forgot about that" i said staring at the floor. "do we know what they want to know" i asked knowing each of us had a private interview then one big zoom meeting like thing 

"they should have emailed you the other day , we had to respond if we didnt want to answer the questions they want" she explained. i widened my eyes and pulled out my phone as we were walking to the car that was driving us to the hotel. 

best experience on set

worst experience

favourite cast member

yknow basic interview questions. i am glad everything here was filming/cast related and not my personal life. "all good, they're fine" i said putting it away. "jesus its old here" i said as we had to wait outside since the car wasnt here. 

lizzie was wearing a long coat so when i hugged her she wrapped the coat around me aswell as her arms. it felt amazing. like being cocooned. 

"the cars here sweetheart" lizzie moved her arms from around me but i didnt let go. 

"its warm though" i complained causing her to laugh. when we got in the car she held open one side of her coat and i leant into her again. lizzie wrapped her arm around me as i rested my head on her shoulder.

" maccas breakfast?" rdj suggested from the drivers seat causing everyone to agree. the sun was rising and it was beautiful. 

i finally had reception again and messages flooded through my phone. i opened snaps from dahlia first sending an unsuspecting photo of lizzie back. we all piled into the first mcdonalds we found surprising the tired morning staff. 

hemsworth apologized to the worker first as it was just us and them before we all horded around the several self ordering machines. lizzie went to her own one tapping through the menu, i rested my head on her shoulder standing behind her. 

"y/n?" i hear a voice go, spinning around to the counter i see jamies girlfriend ty standing there. 

"oh hey, when did you move back here" i questioned tilting my head. 

"like a month ago, my parents were done in LA" she explained. 

"what about jamie?" i questioned walking closer to her. 

"oh we broke up" 

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