a fucking limo

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y/n pov
for the rest of the day i was in lessons for ballet and combat. the combat part was fun cause i was on wires but ballet is painful.

thankfully i had a double for most of my ballet things since it was only a scene or so so i didn't need to know really but they figured the more i knew the better.

lexi and liv were also taking these classes but they actually knew how to do this stuff and that's why they were hired. so they are making me look ass.

"what can't you guys do jeez" i said falling out of another position out of breath.


after work we all went home for an hour or so to get ready for our dinner tonight. since a couple people were done filming at this point we decided to go out and celebrate.

i was not feeling up for it but i wouldnt tell anyone that. everyones worked so hard on this movie they deserve the celebration and i dont need to burden people with my problems like i did when the whole thing with my parents happened.

i went up to my room planning on having a half an hour nap but an incomming call from dahlia dismissed those plans. "you look tired cara mia" was the first thing she said.

"what about a hi hello how are you" we laughed and i laid down in my bed. "but yeah, long day. how are you"

"im good, we're leaving for the funeral tomorrow" she said and showed how she was sitting on her floor an open suitcase and some clothes beside her

"is that in spain or australia?" i asked softy.

"spain first but then we're going back to australia to visit family" she explained putting her phone back in its place.

"it's sad to have to see your family for these circumstances but atleast you get to see them again" dahlia nodded in agreement and we fell to silence as she continued packing.

i must've fallen asleep because i woke up to someone lightly shaking me.

lizzie's pov
scar and i were in our bathroom getting ready together for this fancy all paid for dinner. "where's y/n" she asked as i helped her zip up the back of her dress.

"in her room i think" i said finishing my makeup. "i'll go check on her and make sure she's getting ready"

with that i left the bathroom and headed down the hallway to her room. i knocked on her door twice but didn't get an answer.

opening the door i see her fast asleep curled up in bed. as cute as it was she needs to get ready. the blinds were pulled shut and her fan was on high.

sitting down beside her i gently shake her shoulder to wake her. "sweetheart you gotta get up"

"nooo" she whined rolling over and pulling the blankets over her head.

"y/n/n we leave in 20 minutes i can do your hair for you all you have to do is get changed and come sit in the bathroom.

she agreed to that so i stood up to stand outside her door but as soon as i grabbed the handle i heard her fall back into bed.

so this time i pulled the blankets back so she was cold and pulled her into a seated position. "look honey i know your tired but we have to go to this dinner both for press and to celebrate the work we've done, you'll be back in bed by 10pm i promise" i said holding her head between my hands.

"fine but i'm not talking to anyone" she said grabbing the dress i got for her from her cupboard.

"thank you" i kissed her head and waited outside her door.

"mum!" she called out "can you zip up the dress" with that i opened the door and walked over to her.

"you look beautiful" i said as we both admired the dress in the full length mirror in her room. she just hummed and grabbed my hand as i lead her back to the bathroom.

once we walked in there scarlett looked over and whistled "looking good baby olsen" she smirked doing her mascara.

it's not often we do our own hair and makeup but we do enjoy doing it every now and again.

"how do you want your hair?" i questioned as she sat on the stool we brought in here

"whatever you want to do" she shrugged splashing her face with water.

y/n started on her makeup and i started to brush through her bed head. "10 minutes ladies!" evans shouted banging on the door frame but walking past us.

i quickly finished up y/ns hair as she thanked me for it. "let me get a photo" i smiled jumping up and directing her to stand in the natural lighting.

she gave me a small tired smile as i took the photo to send to the twins. it was their design after all.

she saw me fiddling round with my phone again "who are you sending that to" she asked worriedly.

"just my sisters, they designed the dress for you" i smiled putting my phone away.

"no way, this is elizabeth and james. mum i cant wear something this expensive" she panicked.

"sweetheart it's fine, the dress was made for you, it's yours" i said rubbing my hands up and down her arms. "you are cold tho so i'll get you my spare jacket" like me y/n also finds comfort in having that one jacket during press or red carpets.

when the 3 of us walked down stairs the boys who were standing around waiting clapped at us.

"looking fabulous but we're going to be late" robert said as we all got in the limo hired for us.

"a fucking limo" i heard y/n whisper to tom who just laughed.

"yes y/n a fucking limo"

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