gaining knowledge

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tw talk of toxic relationships
not proof read

y/n pov
an hour later we were outside the house. it was a massive family house and i wondered how many kids were here.

"so we usually don't go upstairs between 12 and 6 those couple of hours are for family time, we play games or go out or just lounge around but since it's all new and you'll have jet lag you can relax upstairs if you want" lucy said as she unlocked the door.
"kids! we're home!" she shouted through the house making me jump at the sudden noise.

"mommy!" some kid shouted rubbing in from the kitchen. yeah no way in hell i'm calling these people mum or dad. "is that y/n" she asked suddenly shy.

"y/n, araya, araya, y/n" she introduced the girl nodded before holding a hand out to shake. her arms were covered in homemade colourful child like bracelets which was cute. "raya why don't you go ask liam to help you with dinner" lucy said again.

dylan lead me upstairs then up another set of stairs which made me relalise this was like 3 stories or this room was in the roof. i don't know.

he knocked on the door before entering and it was this girl around my age. "hannah?" he asked and the girl rolled over in bed. she had a that type of tired expression i was far to familiar with.
"this is y/n, you guys will share the room"

she sat up and i watched as her long hair fell around her face and shoulders and she stood up to greet me.

"i'll let you finish the welcome" dylan said before leaving me alone with the girl.

"look if you plan on running away or leaving don't try, they will welcome you back every time. i know from experience" she said waving her hand to the broken window.
"hannah jacobs" she introduced herself.

"y/n" i said and she nodded.

"i know you, your an actor right?" she said like it didn't change her opinion on me. i nodded putting my stuff down by the bed. "why are you here? i mean you don't have to answer i respect your privacy"

i didn't talk and she shrugged not caring. after a minute of me sitting on the floor i spoke up. "my parents died so i was living with my uh a cowork-friend but she's not allowed to adopt me because acting isn't a stable job or some shit"

"elizabeth olsen right?" she asked and i nodded worried for a second. "i don't care enough to spill.  your secrets safe with me. but i can empathise with you, my parents neglected and beat the shut outta me till i was taken away to here"

"so what's this couple and family like?" i asked her seeing as she seemed to know alot.

"coming from someone with no siblings and i never talked to my cousins. a lot. luce and dylan are very big on family. hence the whole 12-6 thing" she waved her hands around as she said this. "it's not hard to get out of it they are understanding people"

i nodded sitting on my bed and lifting my headphones from where they hung around my neck to put them back on. hannah didn't say anything else and i stared at my mothers ring.
slipping it back on my finger i pulled out my phone.

i looked over my shoulder and saw hannah back asleep. so i called dahlia. she picked up instantly.
"please just explain" i asked of her. and she nodded instantly and i could tell she was glad i was letting her talk.

"xavier is my ex, you knew he was but i never told you exactly. why. he was manipulative and toxic always talking to other girls. he was very rough and would never take no for an answer so i broke up with him countless of times but he never stopped. the first time i broke up with him it was very public at school and he didn't like it he broke into my house and forced me into having sex with him. i couldn't walk the next day it was too painful. i didn't go to school after that since we were leaving for america in a week anyway. i was so glad we were moving just to get away from him. when the rumours of us dating started spreading he texted me. made countless accounts on every app possible.  he managed to hack all my accounts. he would monitor who i texted what i was doing and everything. i was so scared i didn't use my phone for days. but i never told my parents. i was hoping when i left i would never have too and they still don't know. that's why i never responded to you. he" she stopped.

"take your time" i assured her feeling like i knew where this was going.

"he said he would go after you next, the things he threatened. it was all to real i was scared. i'm sorry i'm so sorry. when i went back to australia and he found out i was there he was thrilled. in a psychotic way. he did what he wanted and threatened to hurt you if i said anything. i wasn't going to tell you any of this till i got back to america. face to face but i can't stand you being mad at me. the night if the party i didn't know he was going to be there, my friend assured me he wasn't invited. but of course he showed up anyway. i was so exited to introduce you to my friends and we would go for a walk in the beach i'd throw you in for old times sake. and we would go back to my house and we could do whatever we wanted i haven't seen you for months" she started to cry.

"when i went to grab a drink he was there. i was shocked and he had me before i could do anything. i don't know what he used but he drugged me with something. xavier probably had access to any drug you could imagine. i didn't mean to hurt you y/n and i'm so sorry"

my heart broke at her explanation. i should have know she would never do something like this.

"my love, i am so sorry that happened, i should have let you explain at the house. you don't have to be sorry i am sorry. i can't begin to imagine what it felt like being around him@ why am i so bad at comforting people.

"if i was you i would tell your parents get him sent to jail, so he can't torment you or anyone else i know how hard it is to tell people about this sorta thing but i can be there with you if you want" i suggested and she got light back into her eyes knowing i wasn't mad.

"i would really appreciate that, i think i need it to finally end that time of my life forever. i'm so glad your not mad. i'm sorry"

"you have nothing to apologise for i understand why you didn't tell me. i'm sorry you suffered with that by yourself" she just shook her head. we exchanged sorry for a while until we fell back into our usual conversations.

"dinner will be ready in 5 minutes" araya said coming into the room again.

"who's that" dahlia questioned. oh yeah. i forgot to tell her about everything.

"that's araya, um lizzie wasn't allowed to adopt me and i was sent to this group home. it doesn't seem that bad but you never know. she's going to keep trying because i need her so much and i don't know how i'm going to function" i told her briefly and i could tell she had so many questions.
"i have to go but i'll call you tonight yeah?"

"of course, see you later"

i don't like this chapter as much as i liked the last one. lots of love.

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