troublesome flights

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not proof read

i have quite literally been on a plane once when i was 2 so if this is inaccurate i dont care. 

4 days later. 

both chrises, rdj, lizzie scarlett, renner and i are on the plane to new zealand. or on a plane somewhere else before we get the plane to new zealand. it was around 30 hours of flying time over 2 days so it wasnt that bad, i just wasnt prepared for the time difference. since it was just the 7 of us we are flying first class and not the private plane. its definitely different for me as most of the time i fly economy by myself if i need to go places for acting. 

its not like i dont have the money to fly first class i just dont want to use it. now that my parents have died all my earnings have been transferred to my account and it was alot more than i thought. 

lizzie suggested i open a couple bank accounts so incase something get stolen i dont loose all my money and i agreed. my mood still hasnt gotten much better. im always tired, i dont want to talk to anyone and i only leave my room for work. 

i also said goodbye to the other teens on set when atlanta filming wrapped so now i probably won't hang out with someone my age for atleast another month. right now i was bored out of my mind but i just couldnt sleep so i had nothing to do. 

i decide to check my phone for once and when i open instagram the first thing i read is a massive headline saying "y/n y/l/n is an rude and disrespectful teenager" literally what did i do to you. 

"y/n y/ l/n most famously known for her upcoming roll in marvels 'avengers hydras hierarchy' photographed at an event not paying attention and sending glares to the people around her. This is not the first time the moody teenager as been caught acting disrespectful as just the other month she is found flipping of paparazzi who are just doing their job. Her fellow cast mates also have sour looks on their faces but hide it much better. does the marvel cast secretly hate their teenage costar or is there something they aren't telling us, read more to find out" 

so i cant even have fucking feelings without being criticized. fucking love my life. 

i then searched my name and these were the top articles 

is y/n y/l/n undeserving of such a big marvel roll? here's what the critics say...

y/n y/l/n secretly dating thundermans costar diego velazquez

y/n y/l/n called a charity case for elizabeth olsen after her parents recent passings

the only one that actually pissed me off was about dating diego, hes literally 5 years older than me. like love him but no. and i have a girlfriend. the thing about my parents though is that they died in a plane crash i figured i would be more scared to go flying but fuck it. moving on from that i decide to close my eyes and attempt to sleep for the next couple of hours. all of a sudden we start to get turbulence and my mind instantly goes back to one of my nightmares 

lizzies pov

"liz i think y/ns having a nightmare" hemsworth nudges me from his spot beside me. we were in the isle while y/n was on the window beside me. i look over and see her with a drawn together face and tears running silently down her face. 

i get out of my chair and walk over to her. luckily she didnt have the divider thing locked as it was just us 7 in first class "y/n bubba wake up" i gently shook her. wiping her tears and pushing her hair back. she keeps moving around and i rub my thumb over her cheek. "sweetheart, its okay" i whisper trying to sooth her as she wasnt waking up. 

"ma'am i need you to return to your seat" a flight attendant asked me as the seatbelt sign flashed on. i argued with her for a second before going to my seat not wanting to make a problem. y/n seemed to have calmed by now anyway. 

more turbulence happened and it woke scarlett from her nap. that woman wakes up like someone dunked a bucket of water on her. 

 3 hours later 

as the plane landed y/n was still not awake. we quickly were able to get of the aircraft so i grabbed my things handing them to scarlett who offered to grab them. it was only my purse anyway. y/n woke first try this time but she seemed very hesitant to get out of her comfortable seat. 

"in a minute mum" she mumbled forgetting we were on a plane. 

"y/n/n come on the planes landed" she got up barely opening her eyes as i collected her things putting her backpack on my back. she linked her arm with mine and we met up with the others since we had to rush to our next flight. it wasnt for another hour but you know how airports are. 

of course paparazzi were following us but we had body guards waiting for us this time. they kept them away as we moved through the airport quickly. y/n half a sleep was tripping but keeping up. we briefly signed a couple photos before making it to the first class lounge outside our next gate. 


i hate this chapter its so half assed


the voices are not voicing please give me ideas or ill kill dahlia 

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