packing treasure

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lizzie pov

half an hour later y/n was still sleeping however she wasn't sweating or hot anymore so thats a good thing. suddenly i herd the door open and panic shot through me as i spun around seeing who was there.

"didn't mean to scare you" scarlett raises her hands in defence as little rose clutched to her side. "rose herd her favourite was sick and wanted to come help" she said as the small girl extended her hand showing a childrens under 16 cough syrup (i think thats the right medicine idk). 

"oh well thats very kind you rose bud" i smile as the blond grins happy to help. i hear a groan beside me and look over to see y/n awake. obviously when i jumped she woke up. 

she opens her eyes getting half way through a yawn before having a coughing fit. it all ended with a sneeze. "not a nice feeling" she croaked sniffling. she then noticed the blonds infront of us and offered a small wave leaning back into my side. sighing contently when i wrapped an arm around her. 

"do you need any help in getting ready for tomorrow" scarlett offered 

"scar its okay im sure you have your own things to sort out" i try to decline not wanting to keep her back but she shakes her head. insisting she wants to help even if its just for an hour.

i will admit there was quite a few things i needed to do before we left but know with a sick kid it could take longer. i finally accepted her help as she went to the kitchen to throw out any perishable things since we wont be here for a while. 

"you gotta take this sweetheart" i measure out the right amount of medicine for her holding it up to y/ns lips. she cranks her head back double chin and all, looking disgusted at the thick liquid. 

"nuh uh" she shakes her head. "ive never had anything like that and i don't plan on trying it" 

shes never had kids medicine? weird.

"its not poison drink it" i say a bit sterner as she started coughing again. she pouts but opens her mouth to take the medicine. instantly screwing up her face at the taste. "how you feeling in general" i ask her having not asked since she woke up again.

"same same. but i don't have a headache" she answers leaning back into my side. i chuckle wrapping an arm around her again. 

"well why dont we go pack some of your things" i suggest brushing a stray strand of hair from her face. she mumbled in response standing up. she sways so i stood up quickly to catch her. she says she got lightheaded for a second which i guess makes sense. but from just standing up?

she grabs my hand as we walk into the house to see rose on the bench watching the thundermans on scarletts phone as the older blond ferrets through our fridge throwing out some things. 

she smiles at us briefly before going back through the veggie draw. y/n follows me up to her room and once were there i tell her to go sit down. she does so without complaint.

"what do you wanna take" i ask opening up her wardrobe. she didn't have alot of things really. sadly most of her stuff was still in her old 'home' most likely she wouldn't see it again. unless we went back there but right now its a crime scene since her parents still haven't gotten caught.

"all of it i guess. its gonna all fit so might aswell have it" she answers referring to the clothes "ill pack other things later. clothes are most- important" she yawns lying down. i nodded and started to fold some of her clothes up into the suitcase she had open on the floor. 

"can you pass me that hoodie please" she said softly from the bed and i notice a hoodie on her chair. it clearly had dahlias name on the back and i think i was right about them dating or at least liking eachother. i pass her the hoodie before taking a seat again.

i reached out to grab a pair of trackies i believe were mine when a brown book fell out. it mustve been there to cover it. 

i get up walking over to the bed popping the book next to y/n's pillow. if she had it hidden she didn't want me to see it and i respect that. 

y/n opens an eye at my presence beside her bed before seeing the book. "oh thats just a photo album, you can look at it if you want" she informed closing her eyes and still breathing through her mouth since the blocked nose. "thank you for not opening it without mr knowing" she added and i feel like her parents often invaded her privacy

i opened the book and it started with happy young y/n. missing teeth, messy hair. she still has that childlike glimmer in her eye. i continue to flip through the photos as slowly y/n seems to get more and more miserable in each photo. some start to have photos of her crying as a kid and whoever it was wrote the reason and a complaint as if this was a review. 

eventually the photos stopped when she seemed around 9. i get back up placing the album by her bed as i noticed she fell asleep again. i pull the covers up over y/ns shoulders before walking back to her wardrobe. 

it didn't take long to pack her clothes however half of them are literally from the marvel cast. and or from dahlia. it left half the suit case for her to put in whatever she needed and stuff she wanted for work. 

i walk out of the room turning off the light and closing the door. 


not proof read so have funnn

i fucking have school tomorrow and im not feeling the vibes. but then again im missing to much school recenty. 

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