the four people

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3rd person pov 

y/n felt as her head got heavier and it fell to her shoulder more than once, y/ns vision started getting dimmer and she could barely see anymore. "hey mum! i think shes passing out!" apollo yelled holding the girls head up. his mother rushed over holding y/ns wrist to check for a pulse. maybe she was bleeding out.

an ambulance and 2 police cars pulled over as people in their cars finally took notice of what was happening. paramedics ran over to assess y/n as the police talk to the mother and son.

"so we are assuming that y/n is y/n l/n, based on previous calls and obviouly the name so her carer has been notified and will meet us at the hospital" he explained.

"do you need us to go with the kid to the hospital" the police officer nodded however added that they needed to write out statements for what they saw about the situation.

so with that conversation the duo got back into their car. y/n now unconscious was put on a stretcher to get taken to the back of the ambulance. they pulled onto the road following the ambulances and police cars on the way to the hospital.

lizzie's pov
when i got the call that they had y/n and she was getting rushed to the ER i panicked. if she's getting rushed there it must be bad. i just hope it's not as bad as last time. chris, scar, renner and rdj were with me when i got the call and it took a lot of convincing for me to stay out until the police officer came to take us to the hospital. i wanted to just get in the car and go straight to her.

"no liz, you have to wait" evans held me as i tried to leave. i needed to see her.

"n-no you don't get it chris." i sobbed "please i need to go to her" he held me until there was a knock at the door.

*sexy time skip

we got out of the car the same time ambulances pulled up. a small girl got wheeled out of one of them and i knew it was y/n. i knew it was my daughter.

i tried to rush over to her only to be held back by paramedics and police. someone was explaining to me she was getting rushed into surgery and that didn't reassure me at all.

the four of us sat in the busy waiting room as my mind was going a million miles an hour. if i just didn't drop her home. or i don't know something else and this wouldn't have happened. she wouldn't have to go through this all. not again.

after what felt like forever a male nurse who looks like he work is in the children's ward walked into the room.

"y/l/n?" he asked i stood up and he walked over "are you her mother? good well the procedure went well we had to put both her shoulder and foot in a cast as well as stitch up multiple lacerations. and general first aid she should be awake now if you guys want to go see her" he explained in a soft tone probably one he uses to calm worries parents a lot of the time.

the 4 of us followed the nurse to the ward where y/n was and by the looks of the bunny footprints on the floor and the cartoon characters on the wall it was a clear guess as to this being the paediatric ward.

we walked into the room and my heart dropped  she looked so small in the bed. an iv drip in her arm and a couple machines around her bed.

i walked up to her bedside brushing the hair from her face. there was multiple bandages and gauzes around her body and she looked so pale. 

i bit my bottom lip to stop myself from crying anymore as y/n slowly woke up. the second she did the heart monitor went crazy and she looked panicked at the fact she couldn't move.

"hey hey, sweetheart it's okay" i gently comforted as she only flinched more at my words. i just wanted to hold her in my arms and keep her safe for as long as i can.

y/n pov
i don't remember falling asleep but i woke up to voices and bright lights. instantly i thought i was back with my parents and that scared me to death. when i heard a familiar voice i didn't recognise it as someone safe. the fact my dad called me sweetheart all week also didn't help my brain figure out my safe person was right next to me.

someone grabbed my hand and instead of pulling my hand away i followed the arm to look at the person. i didn't recognise them at first.

do i know them?

my eyebrows scrunch together trying to remember how i know these people. because i know i know them but how.

"who are you?"

it's my birthday lmfao. i love you guys :)

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