LDSK [3]

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"3 more victims with nonfatal wounds," Elle noted as she and Gideon were at the newest crime scene "And it's only been 48 hours since the last shooting,"

"The media attention and the FBI presence will only escalate his desire to shoot again," Samarra declared from where she was overlooking the perimeter.

"Meaning?" Detective Calvin asked.

Samarra looked over at the detective "This is gonna get much worse,"

"Then we need to give the police a profile immediately," JJ said. "You ready?"

"State troopers." Elle said, nodding over to a group "This is the second time he's crossed jurisdictions,"

"Yeah, we're ready." Gideon admitted "They're not gonna like it,"


Samarra stood to the side as the team gave the profile in front of the officers in the department.

"This initial profile is not ready to be given to the media," JJ explained to the officers. "Releasing this profile prematurely can get people killed,"

Hotchner took his turn "We're looking for a 30 to a 40-year-old male veteran, driving a car large enough to shoot from, but not so large it was noticed. Like the Beltway shooter, it's probably a sedan, customized to conceal the shooter, his weapon, and the sound of his shot. The unsub suffers from both narcissistic and paranoid personality disorders. He works out obsessively and is never without a weapon. He's completely self-centered and cannot empathize with others. Incapable of admitting fault, he blames his shortcomings on those around him. He has no friends, and his career history has been marked by frequent job changes. He's drawn to high-stakes jobs by a need to prove his superiority to a world he perceives has undervalued him, and these shootings are the ultimate expression of that need. We believe he changes jurisdictions intentionally and strikes during the first/second shift change, indicating an intimate knowledge of law enforcement,"

"You're saying he's one of us," An officer realized.

"We're saying he once was or is now a police officer,"

"Is he driving a white van, too?"

The officers in the office laughed.

"Enough," Sergeant Weigart told the group. "That'll be all for now." he turned to look at the BAU "We can talk in my office,"

"Thank you," Hotchner told the officers. He followed after Sergeant Weigart "Sergeant Weigart, we would like to reenact the third shooting during the shift change,"


"Well, to better understand his MO. How does he get there? How does he leave? What's the traffic like?"

"It could help us with witnesses," JJ added. "Maybe the victims or bystanders saw something, but don't realize the significance of what they saw,"

"All right." Sergeant Weigart nodded "Let's do it,"


"How you holdin' up?" Gideon asked when Reid walked up.

"Look at me. Without a gun on my belt, I look like a teacher's assistant," Reid whined.

"And I look like a High School graduate. You don't see me complaining," Samarra shrugged.

Gideon cleared his throat.


"You're not worried about how you look," Gideon told Reid.

"Hotch told me that when he came to the BAU, you told him he didn't need a gun to kill somebody?"

Special Agent Angel (Criminal Minds fanfiction) [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now