LDSK [5]

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"Call Weigart and tell him we need a discreet perimeter around this block," Gideon ordered.

"I'm gonna go check out Landman's car," Hotchner said.


Morgan took out a sheet of paper from the fax machine as the team surrounded the desk "Ok. Courtesy of Garcia. Landman was Army, started out in MP School,"

"Well, there's your law enforcement," Elle noted.

"But he was smart, got a degree on Uncle Sam, and ended up a doctor with special forces and bounced around from hospital to hospital since his discharge in 2001,"

"Has Dr. Landman been under any unusual strain?" Gideon voiced as he looked at the hospital worker in the room "Has he had a reprimand? Uh...has he had any kind of major blow to his ego?"

"Last month, he was passed over for Chief of Surgery," The woman admitted.

Gideon nodded "Let's get a warrant for his house. Let's see if we find the weapon,"

"Ok," Morgan said.

"What can I do to help?" The female worker asked.

"You can tell me where he is right now," Gideon said.


Gideon walked into where Dr. Landman was looking over Xrays.

"Where's Marston?" Dr. Landman questioned.

"She's not coming," Gideon replied.

Dr. Landman sighed as he looked back at the scans "Look, I'm very busy right now. Perhaps you could make an appointment,"

"Busy with what?"


"What kind of things?"

Dr. Landman turned to see Elle and Reid watching from the window "You're considering me a suspect?" he realized.

"Yes," Gideon nodded.

"Well, that's disconcerting," Dr. Landman scoffed. "I heard what happened to your last suspect,"

"Do you wanna know why?"

"Collective incompetence?"

"Have you ever heard of hero homicide?"

"Would I be less suspicious if I let my patients die?"



Hotchner walked through the halls of the hospital.

Samarra quickly followed after.

"You get anything from his car?" Hotchner asked the girl.

"It's a red 2-seat Maserati,"

"Heh." JJ huffed "Of course,"

"If he's the shooter, he has another vehicle," Hotchner noted.


"This type of killer seeks the power over life and death and covets the power of God," Gideon continued from inside the room.

"I want you to understand something when my patients are in the operating room, they need God, and that's exactly what I give them," Dr. Landman proclaimed.

From outside the room, Samarra fidgeted.

"When someone's holding your beating heart in their hands, who do you want holding it, me or God?" Dr. Landman asked.

Special Agent Angel (Criminal Minds fanfiction) [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now