Broken Mirror

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"So what happened with you and JJ at the Redskins game, huh?" Morgan teased Reid as they walked through the bureau.

"Top secret," Reid claimed.

"Derek," A female agent called out "Hey,"

"Hey," Morgan greeted.

"I put the transcript from the last prison interview on your desk,"

"Ok. It wasn't classified rush. You could have sent it inner-office,"

"I could have,"

Reid watched the female agent smile at Morgan and other female agents give the same smile. "Must be tough, man,"

Morgan chuckled "Not really,"

"What do you mean? You don't even do anything and these women are throwing themselves at you,"

"Strictly off-limits, Reid,"

"There's no code of conduct that says agents can't socialize,"

"Yeah, well, see my code of survival says never mess with a woman who carries a gun,"

Elle passed the two as she hurried to Hotchner's office.

"So it sounds like bed rest isn't turning out to be very restful," Hotchner noted on the phone.

Elle knocked on the door.

"Bed rest is more like bed agony." Hotchner's wife explained over the phone. "But in 10 minutes, I get to switch to the right side. That'll be a thrill,"

Hotchner chuckled "Honey, just try to relax and get a little rest, ok?"

"Of course. I love you,"

"Bye," Hotchner hung up.

"Everything all right?" Elle questioned.

"Yeah. The Doctors are worried about Haley's blood-sugar levels. They're worried about Pre-Eclampsia, and I'm worried she's not gonna last 6 weeks in bed,"

"She wants out of the hospital,"

"Yeah. Is it here?" Hotchner asked, wanting to step away from the topic on his wife.


Hotchner and Elle exited his office.

"Reid, Morgan, the document's up on the screen regarding the kidnapping of Trish Davenport," Hotchner explained to the two men as they sat at their desks.

"Have you read them yet?" Reid asked.

"Yeah, I got a copy from the document examiner,"

Reid and Morgan hurried up the stairs to head towards the briefing room with Elle and Hotchner.

"What's it say?" Morgan questioned.

"That we've got until 8:00 tonight,"

The group entered the briefing room as Samarra was reading over the letter.

"You will follow instructions carefully. You will do this to ensure the safety of your daughter. You will wait for the call. You will answer the call at 8:00 PM. You will write down the instructions and follow them to the letter," she looked up as the rest of the team entered the room.

"That gives us less than 9 hours to get to Connecticut, work up victimology on Trish Davenport, and prepare her father for the ransom drop," Hotchner explained.

"How do we know the letter's real?" Gideon questioned.

Sam used her clicker to change the screen. "The handwriting is a match for Trish's. He dictated it to her, and they found Saline on the paper,"

Special Agent Angel (Criminal Minds fanfiction) [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now