Extreme Aggressor Pt. 2

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"His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh," Reid informed "Stab wounds, strangulation,"

"Wait, wait. Back up. Back up," Morgan said, "He stabbed her...and then strangled her to finish her off?"

"Other way around," Samarra said

"Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder?" Gideon asked her

"Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe. He tried, probably found that it took too long..."

"So he stabbed her instead," Morgan finished.

"And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood," Hotchner said

"Next time, our boy's got a method-the belt,"

"He's learning, perfecting his scenario," Gideon said "Becoming a better killer,"

Hotchner looked over at Samarra who had busied herself with looking over the case file. "Perhaps it best you had left your daughter at home,"

Samarra scoffed playfully, shaking her head, but didn't say a word.


The group entered a building, going through metal detectors.

"He never stands with his back to a window." Morgan said to Reid "When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move,"

"That's hypervigilance. It's not uncommon in post-traumatic stress disorder. Samarra was the same way for a little while," Reid explained

"Just how much disorder are we talking about?"

"Morgan, it's been 6 months." Hotchner told him "Everything's ok,"


"This is Special Agent Gideon, Special Agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, Special Agent Reid," Hotchner introduced

"Dr. Reid," Gideon corrected

"Dr. Reid, our expert on, well, everything, and after 2 years busting my butt in this office, I hope you remember me,"

The room laughed.

Samarra looked over the map "He's willing to travel with the body,"

"Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one," Hotchner said

"1 in 7.4 drivers in Seattle owns an SUV," Reid said

"Explorer with tinted windows," Morgan said

"Explorers rate higher with women,"

"But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug,"

"What about a Jeep Cherokee?" Hotchner asked

"Jeeps are more masculine," Reid said

"We all know how an unsub feels about asserting his masculinity," Gideon said.

"When did the Bureau become involved in the case?" Hotchner asked

"After the fourth body," an agent said "He dumped that one out of state,"

"On purpose,"

"If so, knowledge of law enforcement does suggest a criminal record," Samarra said

"Or that he watches television. May I?" Morgan asked as an agent handed him a red folder.

"So you wanna see our suspect list?" the agent asked

"No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile. It keeps our perspective unbiased," Hotchner explained.

"When do we sit down with your task force?" Gideon asked

"4:00," An agent replied

"An accurate profile by 4:00 today?" Morgan asked

"That's not a problem," Gideon said

Samarra smirked as she looked up at Morgan "Not up to the challenge?"

"Agent Gideon, where would you like to start?" Hotchner asked

Gideon pointed to a picture "At the site of the last murder,"


"So that's Gideon?" An SPD Officer asked Morgan at the site "The Gideon. The one who caught that guy, Adrian Baal, in Boston,"

"Yep. That's him," Morgan said "But catching him cost us, 6 agents," Morgan walked over to Gideon "22-Year-Old Anne Cushing was found right here. Nails clipped just like the others. He wants them to fight back," Morgan handed Gideon a picture of the last victim.

"But not enough to hurt him." Gideon noted "And he left the belt around her neck. He's probably in his early 20s,"

"What's your reasoning?"

"Youthful arrogance,"

Morgan sighed "He clothed the body before dumping it,"

"That's a sign of remorse,"

"It's not consistent. Look where we are. His opinion of women is pretty clear, don't you think?"

"They're disposable,"

"Why show remorse by taking the time to dress her but then dump her here?"


A dog barked at Reid, causing him to jump.

"Sandy, no, no, no. I'm so sorry," a man said

"No, it's ok. It's what we call the Reid effect," Hotchner said. "Happens with children, too. I'm Agent Hotchner. This is special agent Dr. Reid and our intern Samarra Reid,"

"You look too young to have gone to medical school,"

"They're Ph.D.s. 3 of them," Reid replied

"Are you a genius or something?"

"I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-but I do have an I.Q. of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute,"

"Yes, he's a genius," Samarra simplified.

"Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you?" Hotchner asked the dog

"Yeah, Heather loves this dog." The man said "I feed her when Heather's away. Usually, she's fine, but...lately, she won't eat. It's almost like she can sense something's wrong,"

"Not sense, smell." Reid informed "Our...Apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress,"

"Sandy's worried because she knows you are," Samarra simplified.

"David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z?"

"No, but she's in the market for one." David replied, "How'd you know?"

Reid showed them a magazine. "There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust. If I want to coax a young woman into my car...

"...offer her a test drive," Hotchner finished.

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