Plain Sight [4]

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"The unsub brought his weapons with him," Gideon explained to the crowd of reporters in the room. "Tape, glue, wire. He did not leave them at the scene. He took them when he left. He has a kind of killing kit that he carries,"

"Organized killers usually have a skilled job, likely technology related," Hotchner described.

"I resent that," Samarra muttered under her breath causing Morgan to elbow her slightly with a smirk.

"which may involve the use of the hands. The crime scenes are far enough apart that he needs a vehicle. This will be well kept, obsessively clean, as will be his home. He's diurnal, the attacks occurred during the day, so the vehicle may be related to his work, possibly a company car or truck,"

Morgan straightened up as it was his turn to speak "We believe he watches the victims for a time, learns the rhythms of the home, knows his time frame,"

"You're not gonna catch him accidentally,"

"He destroys the symbols of wealth in the victims' homes." Gideon took over "He harbors envy of and hatred toward people of a higher social class. He feels invisible around them,"

"Class is the theme of the poem which he left at the various crime scenes." Reid said "At one point in the poem, the women attempts to bribe death, but he doesn't accept it. He says this is the one moment when riches mean nothing. When death comes, the porridge and the rich are exactly alike,"

"So he's poor," A detective claimed.

"Probably middle-class," Hotchner profiled "A decidedly lower-class person would stick out in a highly patrolled neighborhood. This guy appears to belong there. He blends in,"

"Why does he glue the eyes open?" Another detective asked.

"The unsub is an exploitative rapist," Elle declared "Most rape victims close their eyes during the attack, turn their heads. For some rapists, this ruins the fantasy. For this type of rapist, the goal is more related to the victim watching him than the act itself,"

"The verses, the staging, the aggressive language, 'I am death,' this is a guy who, while being in control at the crime scene, almost certainly feels inadequate in the rest of his life," Hotchner proclaimed.

"That's why he couldn't wait for you to figure out what he'd done," Gideon said "why he needed to make sure all his crimes were counted. His victims, they represent whatever it is that's controlling him, and he wants that control back. He is under the thumb of a powerful woman who frightens him. And a final point. He is white,"

"We have witnesses that identify him as a black male," A detective argued.

"The attacker was black. He is not the Tommy Killer,"

"Mrs. Gordon's husband came home at the same time that he always does." Hotchner explained "The Tommy Killer would've known that,"

"And Mrs. Gordns attacker wore a ski mask," Elle said "The unsub knows when he walks into a house, he's going to kill the woman who lives there. If you're not leaving any witnesses, why wear a ski mask?"

"And he wants the victim to see him anyway," Morgan said.

"Your attempted rapist is a garden variety disorganized young man," Hotchner profiled.

"As the victim's age goes up, generally, the attacker's age goes down," Elle calculated "Mrs. Gordon is about 60, which puts her rapist at about 20,"
"And it takes years to develop the level of calm and sophistication that Tommy displays at a crime scene," Gideon said "and the rapist is far too young for that,"

"Mrs. Gordon told me that there's a young man who delivers groceries to their home. He fits a lot of what we're describing here,"

"Great. So we're back to zero on Tommy," The Detective sighed.

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