Plain Sight [6]

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Morgan, Reid, and Samarra hurried to San Diego Bell.

"FBI," Morgan introduced as soon as they entered the building. "I need to know where one of your technicians is,"

"FBI?" The man at the desk asked.

"Where are your technicians?" Reid repeated.

"They're all out in the field."

"Listen!" Morgan hit the desk with his hands "I need Franklin Graney right now,"


Elle looked over at Gideon after getting off the phone with Samarra "He's on service calls in the area of Orange and Chandler,"

Gideon was quick to make a u-turn. "Get hold of Hotch. Tell him to bring the team and any S.D. Cops he can round up,"


Gideon pulled up to San Diego Bell truck that was parked in front of a residency. "This is his truck,"

Hotchner pulled up with his SUV, lights flashing.

As soon as the car was parked he stepped out of the vehicle.

"Fan out." Gideon ordered "Go through yards. Look at telephone poles. He's around here,"


Elle walked through a yard and jiggled the gate to ensure it was locked.


Hotchner looked up at a telephone line and observed the buildings around him to see if any had a clear sight of the same line.


Gideon walked through a walkway surrounded by gated houses until he came across one gate that was open. Gideon heard a baby crying and walked cautiously towards the house.

"Aah! Mama! Mama!" The baby cried "Aah! Aah! Aah! Mama!"

Gideon entered the house and saw the toolbelt on the counter as the baby was still sat in his high chair.

"Aah! Mama! Mama. Mama. Mama,"

Gideon raised his firearm.

"Let me out. Let me out. Let me out. Let me out." The baby whimpered. He saw Gideon and cried "Aah! Aah!"

Gideon noticed the sippy-cup on the ground.

"Mama. Mama..."

Gideon took out his phone as he stood near the kid. "875 Orange, Hotch. Back door." Gideon hung up.

"Mama. Mama..."

Gideon continued on into the house.

Cautiously walking up the stairs, and continued on to the bedroom where the unsub was talking to his newest victim.

"Never acknowledge me." Franklin Graney said "Never...think of me"

Gideon stopped when he stepped on a floorboard that squeaked from the pressure of his weight. Gideon hurried into the bedroom when he realized the talking had ceased.

Upon entering the room, Gideon saw Franklin Graney aiming a gun at the woman.

The woman was tied up and gagged like all the previous victims.

"I'll shoot her," Franklin Graney threatened.

"No, you won't, Franklin," Gideon said.

"Yes, I will."

"If you hurt her, I'll kill you. I'll just say we caught a low-life burglar. You didn't turn out to be Tommy after all. You will remain uncaught. After a while, people will forget you. You'll be nothing. Once every 5 or 10 years, they'll do a TV show. They'll ask, 'Whatever happened to that Tommy guy? Why'd he disappear?' Then they'll stop talking about it altogether. Put the gun down. Come on. Walk outta here with me. I'll make sure your face is splashed across every newspaper and TV in the country. Tommy Killer: Franklin Graney. Everyone will see you then. Bundy, Daimler, Graney. The whole world will know who you are. It's up to you, Franklin. You can be famous, or you can be invisible,"

"You'll tell everyone?"

Gideon nodded "I have a media specialist outside right now with a computer specialist who can ensure it becomes the top story. It is your choice,"


"Yes, sir. I promise,"

Franklin Graney dropped the gun onto the bed.

"Back away from the gun," Gideon ordered.

Franklin Graney raised his hands above his head and did as he was told.

At that moment, Hotchner and Elle entered the bedroom.

Hotchner moved to cuff the unsub.

Once Franklin Graney was subdued, Gideon holstered his weapon and took the tape off the victim.

"Where's my baby?" The woman cried "My baby!"

Elle cut the tape that bound the woman's legs. "He's fine. He's just fine,"

"You're ok," Gideon assured her.

"Thank you," The woman cried.

"You're welcome,"

"It's oka. It's ok. It's ok," Elle soothed the woman as Gideon looked out at the telephone pole.


Samarra could feel Gideon's gaze on her as he and Reid played chess.

Knowing full well why she stood up.

Sam stood next to Reid, who looked up from his game to look at her. "I have something for you. Forgot to give it to you at the party." She handed over the wrapped present to him.

"But you don't give birthday presents," Reid noted.

Samarra shrugged "Just cause I have a bad history with my birthday doesn't mean I should reflect that onto everyone else's,"

Reid gave Sam a look of confusion as he opened the box "Wow. The 'Red...skins.',"

"It's a VIP box,"

"Wow. Thank you so much,"

"Ever been to a pro football game?" Gideon asked.

"No, I honestly didn't even know this was football," Reid laughed.

"You're gonna love it,"

Reid looked up at Samarra "We are. You're coming with me, right?"

"No." Sam shook her head "I've ensured I have plans for this night...late-night gaming with Garcia. But someone else on the plane is a huge skins fan,"


"The only person in the world who calls you Spence," Samarra nodded towards JJ.


"She's a huge Redskins fan,"

Reid turned around to look at JJ. "Wh-what should I say?"

"I am this close to pushing you over there myself." Sam moved to the side so Reid could get "Go," she took Reid's seat as he moved to be next to JJ.

"I heard you're a fan of football,"

Sam smiled softly as the two continued talk, she turned her attention to the chessboard and moved a piece "Checkmate,"

Special Agent Angel (Criminal Minds fanfiction) [Season 1]Where stories live. Discover now