Extreme Aggressor Pt. 3

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"Okay, then how 'bout the fact that on one hand, we have paranoid psychosis..."

Samarra spun around in a chair as Morgan continued talking.

"But the autopsy protocol says what?" Morgan asked

"Adhesive residue shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes," Reid explained as he stopped Samarra's chair with his foot.

"He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes. He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently. Ok, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby,"

"Not the M.O. of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or surveilled,"

"Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid,"

"Maybe he's schizophrenic," Hotchner said

"Maybe we just don't have enough for a complete profile," Morgan argued.

"We have enough to narrow our list of suspects," Samarra inputted

"We're looking at less than 12 hours to have to find this woman. We don't know exactly what-"

"All right, enough," Gideon said "Let's tell them we're ready,"

"We're ready?" Morgan asked as Gideon left the room. "Reid. You're good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown,"

"They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore," Gideon said as he came back into the room, only to leave again.

"It's called a major depressive episode," Samarra told Morgan.

"I know, Sam," Morgan replied.


"The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20s," Gideon explained "He's someone you wouldn't notice at first. He's someone who'd blend into any crowd. The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record-petty crime. Maybe auto theft. We've classified him as an organized killer-careful. Psychopathic as opposed to Psychotic. He follows the news, has good hygiene. He's smart. 'Cause he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find. He's mobile, car in good condition. Our guess-Jeep Cherokee tinted windows. The murders have all involved rapes. But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, and that tells us he's sexually inadequate. Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia stemming from a childhood trauma-death of a parent or family member. And now he feels persecuted and watched. Murder gives him a sense of power. Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement. They will inject themselves into the investigation. They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know. That makes them feel powerful, in control. Which is why I also think...In fact, I know...you have already interviewed him,"


Samarra walked up to a house and knocked on the door.

An older woman with an oxygen tube opened the door.

"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. I'm house-sitting down the street, and when I got back, the door was wide open, and the lights weren't working. I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me?" Sam asked

"Richard." The woman called out "Richard, get down here!"


Samarra and Richard walked up to the house.

"Are you sure you locked it?" Richard asked

"Yeah," Sam replied.

Richard opened the door and flicked on a flashlight "Hello?" Richard walked further into the house, Samarra followed closely behind. "Hello!"

"FBI Freeze!"


"Get him down!" Sam pushed Richard to the ground, pinning his arms behind him.

"Richard Slessman, FBI." Samarra said "You are under arrest,"


"There's no sign of the girl here," Reid said as Gideon and Samarra entered Richard's household. "We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him. Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list,"

"Is that the mother?" Gideon asked as he looked into the kitchen.

"Grandmother," Sam replied "The mother died in a fire when he was 13,"

"Probably not the only fire in his childhood,"

"Before his son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires," Reid explained

"Exactly how much is a multitude?" Morgan asked

"According to his diary, 1,400 and..."

"88," Samarra finished.

"Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway?" Gideon asked a female agent.

"Elle. I don't send a swat team into a house with children. I hope you don't mind Dr. Reid, me using your daughter, to do so,"

Samarra looked up at Reid "Why does everyone assume I'm your daughter?"

"Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases. What can you tell us?" Gideon asked

"The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist." Elle explained "He'll keep a victim for a couple of days. He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy,"

"You okay with Hotch being in on the interview?"

"I'd like him to lead, actually,"

"Fine. But hold off. Slessman's done time, and he knows the process. And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer. Hotch, let's check the garage. Then show me what you got,"

"Next time, show a little leg," Morgan told Elle, causing Samarra to hit him on the arm as they left the room.

"Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass,"

"I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico. If you need a little brush-up training."

"Is that why students are keeping a tally of how many times I kick your ass?" Sam teased

"Seriously...I want that opening at BAU," Elle said, "You got any advice?"

"Just trust your instincts," Morgan told her


Samarra looked at Richard's room "Something's not right about this. This is a boy's room...not a man's,"

"Log in Password," an agent said

"No, No-" Sam warned them.

But they put in the password and the computer fritzed.

"Wait, wait!"

"It's not turning back on," the officer said

"Yeah. And it won't. It was a false password," Samarra took out her bag and took out her personal laptop. "Ok, here we go,"

"What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen?" Elle asked as she came into the room.

"Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive,"

"There could be an email or a journal in the computer, something that tells us where Heather is. Do you think you can break in?"

"In a given amount of time, sure, but in 6 tries..."

"Try again. Fail again," Gideon told Sam "Fail better,"

"Samuel Beckett," Reid said

"Try not. Do or do not," Samarra said

"Yoda," Reid told a confused Gideon.

"I wanna talk to him," Gideon said.

Samarra watched as Gideon left the room.

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