Compulsion [2]

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Bradshaw College

Tempe, Arizona

"No badges," Gideon told the team as they exited the SUVs "I don't want to satisfy the unsub's need for attention by letting him know he got the FBI here. Try not to look official." he looked back at the team "Try to look less Sam,"

Samarra stopped at the top of the stairs as Gideon went inside the campus building. "I don't know whether to be offended by that or not?"


"Obviously, I'd rather be meeting you under different circumstances," Ellen Turner explained as she walked the team through the campus. "This is Fire Inspector Zhang,"

"This morning the Chemistry Department reported several bottles of highly flammable chemicals missing." Fire Inspector Zhang explained

"I'm prepared to evacuate this campus. Thank you,"

"That brings with it its own problems," Hotchner explained to Ellen Turner as they entered a building.

"You might evacuate the arsonist as well," Gideon said

"Then the case goes unsolved," Elle added on "The campus is reopened, but the fires start up again,"

"Wait, Hotch, Gideon, hold on a second," Morgan called out, "You said the chemicals were missing today. It says here that one of the previous fires was set with diesel fuel that disappeared from the grounds keeping facility. How long after it disappeared was the fire set?"

"One day," Ellen Turner replied

"If he's holding a pattern..." Gideon said

"Who's to say the next fire won't be today?" Hotch finished


Hotchner, Reid, and Samarra entered one of the crime scenes. "Door was locked,"

"Matthew Rowland and his roommate watched as the doorknob turned against the lock," Reid recalled

"But the unsub couldn't get in,"

"So he pours the accelerant into the room from the hallway," Sam said

"Which means he couldn't see the fire,"

"But he could hear Matthew Rowland screaming,"

"Yeah, but not for long. He would have left quickly,"

"Yeah, to avoid being spotted," Reid said

"It doesn't make sense," Hotchner said

"Pyromania as a mental disorder may just be a simple myth, but we do know from precedent

That serial arsonists derive pleasure from pathological fire-setting,"

"Sex and power,"

"But a serial arsonist wouldn't just set a fire and walk away," Samarra pointed out. "He needs to experience it. So why would he set a fire he couldn't watch?"


"They turned the water off just before the fire," Zhang explained as he opened up a box "The last three were set with these. Two devices, simultaneous ignition,"

"There was no device used on Matthew Rowland," Gideon recalled, "Unsub set that one manually?"

"He wanted to be there to enjoy the kid's death," Morgan said

"Not necessarily," Hotchner said

"Well, if the target was Matthew Rowland, then why set the other two fires?" Elle asked

"Motives for arson are relatively simple." Reid said, "There's vandalism, crime concealment, political statement, profit..."

"And revenge," Samarra finished.

"We interviewed Matthew Rowland's roommate," Zhang said, "He said Matthew was very well-liked. No reason for revenge,"

"What about vandalism?" Ellen Turner asked

"No, the fires are too sophisticated," Sam noted "and if he's trying to make a political statement, he's not being too clear about it,"

"There's an underlying strategy in this case," Gideon claimed "Matthew, firefighters, injured victims. To the unsub, they're not people. They're..."

"They're objects," Hotchner finished.

"More like, uh..."

"Chess pieces," Reid said

"Exactly," Gideon tossed one of the devices back into the box.


"All right..." Morgan said "I want to set a dormitory on fire. Where would I start?" he looked down as he felt something hit him.

"In the basement," Samarra called up as she noticed she had gained his attention. "Do you normally talk to yourself out loud?"

Morgan only chuckled "The upper levels would be fuel,"

"Then why did I start on the third floor?" Sam called up as she realized Morgan's point.

"Because it wasn't the building I wanted to set on fire,"

Sam couldn't help the shiver that went down her spine at the thought.


"The timer sets the road flare, which then lights the chemical mixture inside the canister." Elle explained as she took a sip from her mug "Simple,"

"Yet sophisticated in its simplicity." Reid said "I mean, there's a meticulous construction to it,"

"Chemical accelerant could mean chemistry student,"

"Could also mean chemistry professor,"

"Mmm, I say student. You need the self-confidence to lecture in front of a classroom full of 30 college kids. Arsonists are socially incompetent. This guy, he doesn't go on dates. He doesn't go to parties. He doesn't feel comfortable in front of groups," Elle looked up as she realized she was describing Spencer "And of course, he's a total psychopath,"

"Of course,"


"You think we'll get a lead from the hotline?" Ellen Turner asked Gideon

"No," Gideon admitted

"If you don't mind my asking, why then did you set up the number?"

"Well, serial arsonists enjoy manipulating authorities. They like to communicate, explain themselves. I'm not waiting to hear from a tipster or witness,"

"You're waiting to hear from him,"


"Now the evacuation process...." Ellen Turner began but Gideon was turned around at the sight of one of the student's lighting up a cigarette.

He turned around when he heard a student having difficulty with the water fountain.

"We don't want a stampede on our hands because the exits out of the campus block so quickly," Ellen Turner continued, not realizing that Gideon had stopped. "Now, we have staging areas, and we must utilize every possible..." she realized Agent Gideon was messing with the water fountain and not paying attention to what she was saying "Agent Gideon? Agent Gideon. Agent Gideon?"

Agent Gideon ignored her and pulled the fire alarm. "Everybody out of the building! Go!"

"What is it?"

Agent Gideon hurried out of the building "Look out! Clear the whole building! Clear it! Now!"

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