Chapter 11: Oh, Yes, Another Chance To Die!!

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It was about 3/4 of a year after my first quest. During those months, Lidia, Kalen and I practiced and hung out with each other more, and Annabeth had given birth to an adorable baby boy called Cast. I was improving a little bit on my archery. I was good enough to aim an arrow at Percy and narrowly miss him, scaring the living snot out of him. Oh, and, I was 10.

That was when I got a bombshell dropped on me. 

I was going on another quest.

It was with Lidia and Kalen again, and this time, we had to travel to Libya. Which was in Africa.

Obviously, it took a while. There were monsters coming at us almost every fifteen minutes. We had to take a plane (which made me super nauseous) and soon, we landed in Libya.

The first thing I did when we got off the plane was throw up in one of the toilets. It was disgusting.

After that, we headed out into the desert. It was scorching hot, but at least we could see if there were any monsters. 

In about 30 minutes, we had lost all sight of the city of Libya.

That really didn't reassure me. 

About another 30 minutes later, we saw a figure making, or rather, slithering, their way towards us, and a hissing sound grew louder as the figure got closer.

When the figure came into proper sight, we saw a lady. Actually, the top half was a lady, and the bottom half was a snake. 

Of course, it was always a lady. There were practically never men. I mean, at least women were good fighters. Men always think they're better, and always so sexist. It's like they think they are higher beings or something. They are literally  the same as us. 

Anyways, back to the quest. The snake lady. She hissed at us, saying, "Hello, young heroessssssssssssss. I am Lamia. Unfortunately, ssssssssince you are demigodssssss, you musssst die."

"Alsssso, you're little and young, sssssso that isssss perfect, fressssh flessssssh for me!"

"WHAT?" We all yelped. We knew Lamia was a daughter of Hecate, like Lidia, so for some stupid reason, we thought it would somehow help us gain an upper hand in defeating her.

Lidia said, "But I'm your half-sister, a daughter of Hecate like you!"

Lamia smiled evilly. "That givesss me an even better reasssssson to kill you!"

We all looked at each other, like DID YOU JUST HEAR THAT??

All of us unslung our weapons. Lamia just glanced at us with a pitiful look, as if she somehow knew something bad was going to happen to us. 

We ran towards her, but as we kept going we didn't get any closer to her. 

"It's the Mist!" Lidia shouted to us over the blowing desert wind. We probably looked real stupid.

Lamia started throwing orbs of deadly looking purple-black light. We dodged them, but she kept going. Where the orbs hit the sand, it exploded and the sand sparked with a purpley acid. 

Or it might have been poison.

Somehow, she summoned these ghastly undead warriors (spartoi), and they charged towards us.

We were all occupied with fighting our own spartus when Lamia threw another orb at each of us. Luckily, we all dodged. We kept fighting against the monsters and Lamia was just watching us.

But then, she threw another set of orbs. 

Kalen and I dodged, but Lidia didn't see it coming. She was busy beating up her spartus. I wanted to shout to her, but it was too late.

Lidia fell to the ground. Her body went limp, and Kalen and I both knew she was gone.

A sudden blast on the sand in front of me jolted me out of my shock (ironic, I know).

Lamia was standing in front of us, and I had forgotten she was there. One flick of her hand and the spartoi vanished. She gave us an 'I told you so' look. Anger boiled in my stomach. Ugh, 'I told you so' looks were so infuriating. Unless I was giving one, and it was for a good reason.

Ok, I'll get back on track. Lamia gave us a VERY ANNOYING LOOK and smirked.

That was the last straw.

The anger that had been slowly growing in my stomach just exploded.

I let out a yell of fury, and water particles from the air materialised around me. Water seeped out from the desert floor and joined the giant blobby water floating around. I gritted my teeth angrily and used all my power and force to direct the water right at Lamia. 

The water flowed and after it was gone, Lamia had also disappeared with it.

We had won the battle, but at what cost?

I almost collapsed to the ground. Controlling the water had taken a toll on my strength. Kalen rushed over and propped my head on one of our backpacks. He gave me a glance and I knew what he was thinking. What are we going to do with Lidia? 

I knew we were both devastated, but we had to go back. 

When I gradually regained some of my strength, Kalen and I instantly went over to where Lidia was. When I looked at her, tears formed in my eyes and it was so hard not to just break down crying. Kalen picked up her unmoving form while I picked up our packs, and we trudged off, looking for the city.

Kalen and I didn't speak much on the way back. I was so occupied that I barely thought about my airsickness.

We reached Camp Half-Blood. I was dreading the moment when the campers came back.

A Demeter camper came over to us and saw Lidia's body. She gasped and told us she would handle it. Kalen and I slowly walked to the Big House, to find Chiron.

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