Chapter 7: Somebody Claims Me, Surprise!

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I slowly walked to the arena, praying to my god-parent that I wouldn't die. Please, if you're listening, don't let me diiieee.

It was full with other campers. Some looked at me when I arrived. I spotted Annabeth and Percy chatting with each other.

I quietly walked over, looking at all the other people who were covered head-to-toe in armour and with their supply of weapons. And here I was, standing with my Camp Half-Blood t-shirt, my jeans and boots and my dagger-sword which I still couldn't figure out how to properly fight with.

"Ah, the newbie. Hi." a girl with short dirty blonde choppy hair said.

"Uh, hi!" I responded.

"You're the new one, so you'll be practicing with Prissy over there."

"Prissy?" I asked.

"Percy." Annabeth had snuck up behind me and I almost leaped into the air.

"Ohh, ok." 

Annabeth led me over to an area where she first helped me get some armour on, then we went over to Percy. He introduced me to the basics of sparring, then we practiced until the time was up. He said I did a good job and patted me on the back.

Next was archery. I sucked so much at that. Even with some help from Chiron, the activities director, half of the arrows didn't reach the target, and all the others except one lucky arrow which made it onto the target (barely) went way out of sight.

After archery was 'winged horseback riding' or pegasus riding, which I called it. Turns out, I was actually decent at pegasus riding. 

Monster Assault Techniques was where we had to learn about the techniques and the ways monsters fought and moved, so we could get an advantage over them. I also had Greek at that time, and learned a couple of words. Basic ones.

I had Free Choice afterwards! I chose to go and do Arts & Crafts with the Hephaestus cabin. They helped me make my dagger-sword more shiny and sharp.

At 4 to 5 PM, I had swimming. I was surprised when I was able to swim laps and laps without even stopping or getting tired!

After swimming I had Free Time, so I went back to the Hermes cabin and quickly showered, then I got one of my books and read up until dinner. 

Dinner was just like yesterday. Loud, messy and really loud. But unlike yesterday night, we had Capture The Flag afterwards. I was on the blue team with the Hermes, Poseidon, Hephaestus, Ares, Demeter, Iris, Dionysus, Hebe and Hecate cabin. The other cabins (except for the Zeus, Hera and Artemis cabins) were on the red team. It was pretty uneventful, the blue team won thanks to Percy. 

The campfire was the same as well. Except for the part where the bonfire got a bit too large because of the campers' excitement, and Percy had to douse the fire with some water. Except it wasn't enough water, and the fire started rising up again. The campers started worrying and it made the fire even worse!

I knew I had to do something, so I raised my hands, not knowing what to expect. But then it happened. 

The water rose up with my hand! I could control the water! Then, I looked over at the lake nearby, and ran over to it, bringing water back with me. I quickly put out the fire (with some help from Percy), and the campers looked at me in amazement.

I noticed a greenish glow coming from above my head. Uh oh. What had happened? I looked up and almost yelled, WHAT THE *BLEEP* IS THAT?! 

Luckily, Chiron saved me from having gone any further. He knelt down and all the others followed suit.

"Hail, Astra Leung, daughter of the sea god. Earthshaker, Stormbringer. Father of Horses."

I gasped. That meant.. I could control the water (of some sort) and ... I was related to Percy?

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