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"It's still hard for me to believe you are here in Ohio. Like it's just amazing." I say to Stef as she sips her cola and slides it to me as we wait for our pizza. It was true I still couldn't believe she was here and I felt like if I blinked to long she would disappear into thin air.  "Like how you ever convinced your dad to drive all the way from California to Ohio is beyond me!"

She looks over at me and winks as I can't help but blush.

"Ahh skills baby. On my part and his in terms of your Mom. But, my dads an easy going guy and very reassuring. He's good at comforting people. ANDDD he gets me and us."

"Still Stef, thank you."

"For what babe." She whispers as I smile at her.

"Just, for not forgetting about me. I feel like it would be so easy to, and I'm sorry I keep saying this. But I guess it was my worst fear."

"Len, how in the hell could I ever forget about my girl. Len, there's no one else. I don't care what the fuck happens in our life. I'm going to the academy and you're going to some fancy college and I'll be there. I'll got to whatever academy, meaning I'll go to whatever state you choose and I'll find an academy and go there.  I wanna be with you babe. No matter what's wrong. Can't get rid of me."

I smile again at her as I sip our cola now. "Plus your mom is gonna realize I'm not giving up. So what we are gay, alot of people are. Even if they don't wanna say it and shit."

"You think people will ever come out and say it." I continue to whisper as she sips our cola again.

"Ah, hard to say. One thing I know, I told you that I will marry you. No matter what. And we will have babies, and a house, and whatever else grown up people have. I don't know a set of pots."

"Oh my god Stef." I burst out laughing as she lights a smoke and laughs back at me. "You are SO silly."

"What, don't married people get a set a pots, oh no wait, it's china. Shit how I could I forget. My mom has this ugly ass china set with flowers on it that she thinks I want when I marry Mike." She rolls her eyes as I laugh again at her.

"She still thinks you're gonna marry Mike huh?" I sip our cola again as she shakes her head.

"Yeah, but even Mike knows I'm not marrying him. He knows. Ehh, she'll get over it. Because I'm not straight and never have been. So I don't know what to tell her. Sorry Ma your only daughter is gay as hell."

"Me either." I say as she winks at me again and I want her to so badly kiss me but I know we can't right here. She knows it too as I shyly blush once again as our pizza is ready and the man bags it up for us.

"So what do you do for fun in this little town of yours sweets!" She says as we head to the car and I can't help but laugh.  I had almost forgotten how funny my girlfriend was as I open the car door and shrug.

"Lots! We roller skate, go bowling, I mean I was never much of a partier and didn't have that many friends, well after things went badly that is." She opens the car door for me as her eyes are so intense. Very.

"Hold that thought." She says as I slide in and close the door as she quickly makes her way around to the drivers side.  I watch her and I can't help but grin bashfully as she gets in looking at me as I turn a tad red.

"What's that look love?" She asks rather confused as I blush once more and turn to look at her beautiful face.

"You have a nice ass." I blurt out as she bust out laughing as I can't believe I even said that and I cover my mouth in embrassement.

"MY, MY. Lena Adams! What has come over you saying such things to me! What would your mother think?" She teases as I can't help but giggle as she leans in and kisses my cheek. "I don't care who sees. I love you, and I hope to fuck we can somehow be in the same state or something. I just love the hell out of you babe."

"I know I love you too Stef. But if we can't I will wait for you. And I'll tell you what college I go to. BUT I plan on attending any college I can in California. I hate it here in Ohio I really do. I miss the warm air, the beach, the ocean. I hate winter it's just depressing and makes things worse, and I wish my mother understood that."

"Look if I know my Dad he's trying right this second to convince her. It wasn't just to send us to get pizza it was just so he could talk to her alone and try to get her to see our freakin side. I mean we will graduate in two years anyway and do what we wish so what's the point of hiding you now."

"I know but I can't stay with Tess anymore or with my Aunt and Uncle. They won't let me back there Stef. Especially knowing what they know now." I say sadly. "Even if they did you know Tess would make my life hell and yours too even if it would be worth it."

"Oh forget her. And forget your aunt and uncle. I swear people are in the fucking stone age. Unless you're lucky enough to meet people that are privy to what the hell is going on in the world and that not everyone is straight." She says in a rather annoyed tone as I nod my head.

"I'm sorry I got sick when we ran off Stef. If I had not then...

"Don't Len. Don't you dare blame yourself ever. I keep telling you that." She says turning her body now to face me as I feel tears run down my cheek." Aww baby no. Please don't cry honey." Sliding closer to me she gently wipes my tears as her eyes become even softer. Eyes I loved so much even at the young age I was.

"I'm sorry. I just, I don't want you to leave."

"I know baby, I know you don't babygirl. I don't wanna either, fucking trust me. Look, we will figure some shit out. Ok? We gotta." I feel her slide her fingers inside mine as she strokes my cheek with her other hand. "Listen lets head back to our place and I can try to make my wife feel better. We can chat, listen to records, watch movies, ok?"

"Our place? Your wife?"I giggle as she blushes and smiles wide at me.

"YES. Cuz that's how I see it."

"You always know how to make me feel better. Just by being with me from the first day I met you." I admit as she smiles softly at me.

"Ya know when I saw you in Tess room sitting on the bed and not saying a word, you know unpacking your books, I was so in love with you."

"You were?" I ask surprised as she nods her head.

"Yes. You were so beautiful, you still are but you were so dang cute Len and I just wanted to know about you and who you were. You are nothing like Tess described you. At all."

"Needy and annoying." I laugh as she shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

"Don't listen to her! But come lets head on back before my dad sends out a damm APB. But I don't want you worrying, ok? This crap will work out and I freaking promise you we will be together and have our life no matter what. Ok?"

"Ok." I nod my head as she brings my hand to her mouth and kisses it for I wanted nothing but to believe her, god did I ever but I knew my mother. And I knew she wasn't going to budge at all. 

I didn't know when Stef was going back home to California and I didn't want to ask either because I knew once she left I'd break apart all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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