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It had been almost two weeks that I had been grounded and my mother had called giving me an earful. She really had and there was no point in defending myself. None.  She said she planned on coming to California and was applauded by my behavior because ever since Tess had planted the joint under my pillow and my aunt and uncle forbid  me from hanging out with Stef I had done anything but listen.There was a rebel part of me that had taken over for the most part for I was sick of being walked all over and I refused to let it continue especially by my cousin.


"Why would I do that Lena? Like I have nothing else to do but put a joint under your pillow. I mean maybe it was Stef. She smokes weed all the time." Tess said as we had now gotten into a headed fight. I knew it was her who put the joint under my pillow for why wouldn't she. She was jealous, immature and being a pain in the ass.

"Please! It wasn't her and you know it! She would never do that. Ever."

"Maybe you don't know her as well as you think. I mean you have known me your whole life. But you trust her?"

"Oh please Tess. You and I both know the truth. You're jealous. And yes I trust Stef!"

"Ha jealous of what? That you're a freak. That you need so much of Stef's attention. Give me a break."

"I'm not a freak at all."

"Oh no?"


"I know why you moved here."

"Ok if you know then tell me! Tell me why I moved here. Go ahead." Calling her bluff she looked to me smiling and laughing as if she liked the challenge.

"Well I'm waiting! What do you know? Nothing yeah! You are so full of it Tess."

"I'm not full of anything. You like girls and so does your little friend Stef. So maybe you're perfect for each other. You can go off and live as freaks."

"I'd rather be a freak then a jealous, conniving bitch that you are! And you keep Stef's name out of your mouth before you have to deal with me! And you don't want that. You may think I'm weak, you may think I'm a push over but I'm far from it! I'm not taking your crap anymore or anyone elses for that matter! And if you get off by acting like this and spreading rumors then I'm sad for you. You're just a miserable person and I'm not dealing with you another moment so you say whatever you want!"

Grabbing my jacket and seeing her face almost in shock as I had stood so close to her I didn't care that I was grounded. I really didn't as she watched me climb out the window and go to the one person I wanted to see. My girlfriend.


 For the past few days it was now typical for Stef and I to sneak to where we could be alone even just hanging in Mike's garage when he hung out with the guys for he didn't care.  We even found a new beach to go too that no one at school knew about and we would make out heavily under the boardwalk. It wasn't Stef who was making me a rebel but I loved her so much and we couldn't bare being away from each other as we talked about leaving and making a life of our own even at 16. By this time and the more we saw one another we had become even more bold with sex and we were having it pretty consistently.  Stef had licked between my legs numerous times by now and it was the most intense feeling ever for she just wasn't shy at all not even the first time.


Feeling her tongue slide down my stomach she tickled my bellybutton with it as we had both drank a little bit. Mike was out with friends and let us hang in his garage to watch movies which was the last thing we did. Knowing we had at least two hours I felt her slide my leggings down along with my panties.

"If you don't like it tell me to stop. Ok?" She whispered in my ear.

"Ok." I smiled as she returned it and I could feel myself become a little more nervous.

"You ok?"

"Huh uh."

"MM you sure?"

"Yes promise baby." Reassuring her as she smiled at me I pressed into her back as I felt her hard nipples on mine. Being the garage had poor lighting and no windows it was safe to say we wouldn't get caught even if we were being a little risky. Feeling her body go lower on me I opened my legs wide for her as the nerves continued to creep up a little bit. But I knew I had no reason to be as I soon felt what I believed to be her tongue right on my clit. There was really no describing it as I opened my skinny legs even wider for her  and she seemed to lick me even deeper. Allowing moans to escape my shy mouth I felt like I was going to cum already and that was something I wasn't afraid of doing in front of her anymore.

"Mmm." I managed to moan as my eyes were now closed and trying to focus on what she was doing.

"Feel good baby?" 

"Yesss yesss"  I moaned once again as I boldly ran my hands through her long blonde hair and continuing to feel how good she licked me. Wanting badly to do the same to her she told me a million times I didn't need to if I wasn't ready. But I was ready and wanted to make her feel good too even if I knew I would be clumsy. However she reassured me I would be fine and that by just having me lick between her legs would be enough to make her cum.

"I hope it will feel good for you. I don't know how good I am since I've never done it." I said as we sat naked in front of each other and she gently ran her hand down my arm and back up to my face.

"Len, I'm not going to make you do anything. You do this only if you want but I'm telling you I already know it's going to feel good because it's you. I don't want this from anyone else. Believe me." Smiling at me we gently kissed as she laid on her back and we made out pretty heavy. It wasn't typical for me to be on top but I wanted to be as I kissed down her body. The way Stef smelled was like nothing else and it was one smell I loved  and missed when I was alone. That was one of the worst parts of being grounded. Now hearing her moan a little and gently rub my shoulders I moved down even more as she opened her legs a tiny bit. Running my hands on her soft thighs  and curvy hips which were alot more curvy then mine I opened her legs eve more and glided my tongue on her pussy. Instantly she moaned and the more she did it and louder she was the faster and harder I licked until she came in my mouth.


It wasn't that I was trying to get in trouble or cause problems I thought as Stef rested her head in my lap under the boardwalk as I ran my fingers through her hair. But we just wanted the freedom to love each other without the many problems or issues we were getting. School had gotten harder, the teasing had increased, and the rumors were going even further. But we were both standing our ground as we now felt the calmness of the ocean take over.

"We could just leave." I soon said as she turned to look at me now.


"We could just leave. We don't have to stay. I already know when my mom gets here she won't let me see you ever again. She will probably make me go to another school and hide again and I'm really sick of hiding Stef. So we could just leave. I mean everyone knows the truth anyway about us."

Sitting up now and looking concerned at me she gently cupped my cheek.

"I don't know if I can ever not see you Len."

"I know. The thought makes me sick. I just, well I don't know where we would go and I don't have any money saved but I guess we could get jobs."

As she glanced to me yet again I could see she was thinking pretty heavy as she softly kissed my lips again.

"I have an idea baby."


Will they run? And do you think Dana will try to take Lena back to Ohio?

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