Chapter 17: Give Me Your Hand

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Dylan looks nervous. But then again, I couldn't look any different.

What could it be?

He squirms a little in his seat before speaking.

"Alicenne, I know we're really good friends and I know you've been through hell with your past. But I've talked this over with Matilda and she thinks I should tell you.--"

Say it already.

"--We've been friends since we were 5 and I know this might seem awkward and I want you to know that I'm completely 100% with anything you choose to do with what I'm about to tel you--"

Say it.

I shift around in my seat impatiently. He's saying things, but i can't hear them.

"--I love you."

The air freezes.

I look up from where my eyes were rested on in my lap.

My hair is being softly blown across my face.

I'm staring up into a sea of green grass with a shining sun and a cloudless sky.

There are statues next to where I am sitting. They look like Dylan and Matilda.

Did I just shimmer into Wonderland without blacking out?

This seems to be getting easier.

I walk past the statues of my friends and venture to the place that'll take me back to my bed.

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