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Chapter Six

Oh my Lord

3rd Person POV

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3rd Person POV

They got in the Twinkie and drove to the salvage yard with Via sitting next to JJ in the backseat

"Pope we're not stealing the drone . We're borrowing it" John B exclaimed

" Humans are the only animal that can tell fantasy from reality" Pope quoted

" Albert Einstein I like it" Via said and Pope smiled at her

" Yeah it applies to this whole treasure hunting thing. So which is it? fantasy or reality?" Pope asked as Via thought it through

" Why are you so weird pope?" JJ retorted

" It's fantasy but possible reality" Kiara exclaimed

" Reality" John b said to her

" Virtual reality" JJ stated

" Fantasy for right now but who knows?" Via exclaimed and Pope nodded st her as he took jjs blunt out of his hand

" Keep the signal clear" Pope said as he flicked it and via caught it , and put it in her pocket

"I'll hold it for you J" She said and he nodded gratefully

"We're here" John b said pulling up to the salvage yard as Kiara got out of the Twinkie

" Do you know what your problem is?" JJ asked pope

" Oh my Lord" Via whispered as she rubbed her forehead in annoyance

" You?" Pope retorted

" No is that you need to Relax man you're always so tense" JJ told him

" I'm not too tense" Pope argued

" Isn't he always tense, V?" JJ asked and she looked up

" Oh I am so not getting into this" Via said and she leaned back into her seat

"Let's hope this works" John b said and Kiara drove the car with the boat to the salvage yard as the others got out of the car but via stayed so John b turned and looked at her

"You're not coming?" John b asked her

"I can't" she said and he raised his eyebrows

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