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Chapter Thirty-Six 

i can't believe you 

i can't believe you 

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3rd person pov 

the next day, there via was. kiara didn't wake her up but via had gotten dressed and ready for the day. she looked at herself in the mirror and she smiled 

"hey, I'm going to get breakfast. ill be back" kiara told her and she nodded as kiara left the house. 

"yeah alright" via told her sister and then she turned to the mirror. she put her hair up and then put her makeup on as she smiled. she missed seeing this version of her, it felt good. it felt nice. 

"hey v" someone called from her door and she turned to see kiara standing in the doorway but her face held a sad look 

"whats up?" she asked the girl 

"I saw sarah with topper this morning, sarah said she just needed a place to stay but it felt like it was more then that" kiara said and via sighed 

"ill talk to her later" via said and kiara nodded. via turned to her cd player as she turned it on. she put on a random cd and she laid on her bed as she stared at the ceiling and sighed. she didn't know what to do or what to think. she didn't want to think that sarah would do that to her and she didn't want to believe that sarah would do that but she couldn't help but think that way. 

"when did this get so fucked up?" she said to herself and she ran her hand over the picture of her and sarah. she sighed as she watched the way she smiled in the picture, it felt so far away and so long ago. she let a sigh out as cat walked in through the window 

"are you and sarah okay?" cat asked and via looked at her 

"what?" she asked

"its just like last night, she was at mase with topper. chris was there too but it didn't matter. i just saw her and topper being really close and I was wondering" she exclaimed and via sighed 

"I have no idea anymore, I wish I could say that we're okay but after the island and everything else. i just don't think we are and lately it just feels like shes good to everyone but me , and I mean everyone but me. i keep thinking about packing up and leaving. forgetting this life and forgetting sarah and all of it. it just got so hard and I hate it" she said and cat sighed 

"you've got a lot to work through" cat stated and via nodded 

"I just think if we break up, its been a long time coming and every sweet thing shes said to me, it would have never meant a thing. we haven't fought but I almost feel like we will. I'm so scared cat, I don't know what to do" she said 

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