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Chapter Thirty-Seven 

i don't forgive you 

i don't forgive you 

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3rd person pov 

she didn't go home that night, no. she went to cats and she sobbed. she let out tear after tear and sob after sob because she didn't know what else to do. she didn't know what to do or think or feel. 

"oh v, I'm sorry" cat said and via sighed as she stared at the ceiling. 

"I need to leave, I cant stay here for a second longer and act like I'm not going insane" she said and cat said 

"do you need to help you?" cat asked and via shrugged and sighed 

"yeah, I think I just need to pack everything. put it in my car and drive. I'm going to leave in the middle of the night and then ill be gone forever" she told her and then there was a knock on the door. via went and opened it to see shoupe 

"I'm in trouble arent I?" she asked him and he sighed 

"you are, don't fight me on this vianna" he said and she put her fists forward as he cuffed her and she turned to cat 

"call my mom" she told her and then she was put in the car and drove to the station. when she got there, she was brought inside for questioning and there was toppers mom 

"I want to press charges" she exclaimed and via scoffed 

"you beat my son because you couldn't be good enough for sarah, the whole lesbian look isn't cute vianna" mrs. thorton said and via made eye contact with shoupe 

"whatever you said wont change this" he told her and she nodded 

"Im not a lesbian but it seems that your son has to stick his dick in anything that breathes, moves or walks. so fuck you thorton, you and your son make everyone's life a living hell and i hope it comes to bite you in the ass" she told the women who scoffed. she walked out and via smiled 

"proud of yourself?" shoupe asked 

"i am, i really am" she told him and he nodded. he knew that the girl had a lot of anger in her body and he knew that all she wanted to do was scream or cry but she couldn't do that. she needed to stay strong for everyone. 

soon enough, she was being let off the hook and she didn't know how to react but when she walked out the police station, there sarah was and via scoffed 

"should've known it was you" via said as she began to walk 

"Okay so I don't even get a thank you" sarah called and via froze as she turned to the girl 

"I was there because of you sarah" she said and sarah shook her head 

"no, you were there because you cant handle your anger and instead of talking it out and thinking things through, you threw the first punch" sarah said and via laughed 

"first punch? there was one punch and I heard you say he didn't fight back, that's because he couldn't but that's not the point sarah. did you truly think that getting me out of jail would make me want you?" she asked and sarah shook her head again 

"no but I thought you wouldn't hate me as much" sarah said and via shook her head as she ran a hand through her hair and she began to walk to the chateau. sarah followed after her in silence, she didn't know what else to say. what could she say? that she was sorry? that she didn't mean to?

she had already said that and via didn't want to hear it. she didn't want another apology , she didn't want the pity or the anger or the sadness. she didn't want sarah to pretend that it was supposed to go back to normal. via couldn't love her even if she wanted to, she didn't blame sarah for cheating. 

it just hurt to know that after everything they had gone through together, it didn't matter and it felt like it never had. it felt like the two of them never happened and none of it mattered. when they got to the chateau , via was brought into a room by sarah and she sighed, she pulled her hand away and she sat down on the bed as she stared at the ground 

"I just saved your ass from going to jail and you're going to ignore me?" sarah asked and via scoffed 

"well what do you want to do sarah? act like you saved my life, because you didn't. i would rather be in jail then be sitting next to you right now" she said and sarah froze. this was the second time via had ever snapped at the girl and made her feel less then wanted. 

"I'm sorry via, how many times do I have to say that?" sarah tried and via scoffed 

"I'm not gonna forgive you sarah. okay, I don't forgive you. i feel like I wasted so much time and energy on a relationship. i loved you sarah I did but now I cant look at you without seeing you and topper together" via said 

"v please" she begged and she leaned in but via pushed her away. 

"don't, don't do that" she said and she got up as she walked out of the room only to smell smoke and fire and she ran out of the building as fast as she could. she saw Topper driving away and she scoffed. she watched the others run out and they all turned to the chateau

the chateau was gone, just like that and so was everything via knew 


I just want to hug her because there is no way shes going back to sarah and even if you think she will, I'm sorry but she doesn't go back to cheaters 

I just want to hug her because there is no way shes going back to sarah and even if you think she will, I'm sorry but she doesn't go back to cheaters 

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