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chapter thirty-five 

you act like i don't know you john b

you act like i don't know you john b

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3rd person pov 

they went back to the chateau the next morning, big john hugged via and she hugged him back as they all smiled at the sight of him. jj jumped on his back as he hugged him and via smiled. she leaned against sarah as they watched the pair of them. soon enough, they all sat down and john b began to explain everything to them 

"yeah so we , we went to the archives in charleston and it was. it was a dead end, a dry hole" john b said but via noticed the way big john looked at him and the way he looked at big john. they were hiding something and via could tell.  

"so that's the gold, the cross, and now el dorado. we're three-for-three, guys. the streak continues, that's great" pope said and via sighed. pope walked off with cleo following close behind him 

"see ya john b" kiara said and she stared at her sister

"ill see you in a bit, I promise" via told her and kiara nodded as she got up and left. jj sighed 

"I'm going fishing. thanks for the beer" jj said and he kissed vias forehead before he got up and walked off. via made eye contact with sarah as john b got up 

"lets go talk to him" sarah said and she grabbed vias hand as they walked to john b

"hey we're in this together right?" sarah asked the boy 

"yeah" john b said 

"so that means you always tell us the truth" via stated 

"vianna, I am telling the truth" he said and she seethed 

"if you were, you wouldn't call me vianna and you wouldn't get defensive. you act like i don't know you john b" she stated and he turned to her and sarah 

"look john b, the story that you told us isn't really adding up. you guys get the twinkie and go off to charleston without telling anyone and I'm just trying to understand why. if there's anything that you cant tell the others , you can tell us. look at us, what happened? you've just been acting so off since your dad got back" sarah said 

"what happened?" john b 

"yeah john b. seriously Its me and sarah we're on your side" via tried 

"okay, sarah. you know what happened, my dad came back and he's trying to help all of us and meanwhile your dad tried to kill you and im sorry that you cant deal with that" john b said 

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