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chapter thirty-three 

me and kie have each others backs

me and kie have each others backs

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3rd person pov 

 via got off the boat with kiara, pope, jj and cleo. pope turned to via and he sighed 

"you're crazy pope, your parents are not going to appreciate me shacking up" cleo said and they all laughed. 

"no of course they will. are you kidding? heyward might put you to work but we could always use the help"pope said and via nudged him as she shook her head and laughed 

"I don't know man. are you sure?" she asked 

"yeah, look he might squawk a little bit but let me talk to him. we'll figure it out " pope exclaimed 

"this is us, home sweet home" kiara said as she opened the gate and they all walked in 

"damn via, you live here? this is like the white house man" cleo said and she laughed as she shook her head 

"you're going to be okay?" he asked the sisters who made eye contact and sighed. via held her sisters hand

"yeah me and kie have each others backs" she stated and kiara smiled and nodded. 

"tell sarah I love her" via exclaimed and they nodded. via held kiaras hand as they both nodded. they walked to the door and tried to open it but it wouldn't so via knocked. anna opened the door as she took in the sight of her daughters 

"hi mom" via said and she brought them into a hug 

"we're really sorry" kiara said and anna held kiaras face as she looked her over 

"oh my god, are you okay?" she asked 

"we're okay" via said 

"mike" anna called and mike ran in to the girls as he hugged via and she cried to him. kiara cried to anna

"you two go clean up, we can talk later" mike told the girls and they both nodded. via walked to her room as kiara walked to hers. via went to her bathroom and she looked herself over. she had never seen herself look so different and she was shocked by it 

"god I need to change" she said and she walked into the shower as she turned the water on. after that it was a long process of her trying to find the old her and even then, she stayed in the shower letting herself process everything. 

via had lost everything in the span of 1-3 months and now that she got It back, she didn't want to lose it but she knew that losing things was apart of life and you couldn't do anything about it. which via hated. why couldn't she do anything about it? why couldn't she change everything? why did everything have to hurt all the time? 

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