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Chapter Twenty-Eight
They Took Sarah

Chapter Twenty-Eight They Took Sarah

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3rd Person POV

pope rolled out from under the cross as it smashed into the floorboards and via fell back into sarah out of shock , she held her up as they all panted and then looked at the cross as JJ and John b talked about the cross, via stared popes face as they lifted the cross out from under the floor. pope dropped it and he fell back

"Guys stop fighting we have to get pope help and now" Via said and she picked him up as she led him to the car

"jj rickys now" Via said as they all hopped in and drove away, via sat next to pope as she watched him closely. they pulled up to rickys and got out as they helped him. he closed the door on him and via brought to the door

"ricky please" she cried and he opened the door as he let them in and sarah wiped everything off of the table. Via paced around and then she looked down at the ground

" i- ill be outside" via said and she walked outside as she ran her hand through her hair and sat on the ground. she had this reaction before and she died for 2 seconds, she couldnt watch. she walked away for a second until she got far away enough that she could breathe.

"V! VIA" Sarah called and Via turned to her

"im going to cats i need some time, ill be back but i need time" she said and sarah walked over she grabbed her head and she kissed her forehead before she let go and via ran. she ran as fast as she could , she got back to cats and she leaned against the door as soon as she closed it

"vianna?" cats mom called out and via opened her eyes to see her

"Hi miss row" she whispered and amanda walked over to via and looked her over before she wrapped her arms around her and via started to cry, it all came crushing down, she had almost died multiple times and she almost lost everyone and everything

"breathe vianna breathe" amanda exclaimed and via took deep breathes in and out before she heard her phone ring in her back pocket and she let go of amanda to open her phone. she found texts from pope, sarah,kiara, john b and jj. she opened the text as she looked up at amanda

"go check on your friends lovely, ill be here when you get back" she whispered and via thanked her as she opened the text from kiara

'pope crashed the truck, the cross was taken, we need your help' she read and then she opened the other texts

' v, please just tell us that youre safe' she read from jj

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