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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Seven no jj I'm lying, YES DOES THE BLOOD ON MY LEG NOT SAY SOMETHING?

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3rd Person POV

the following day, she woke herself up to a text from wheezie saying that it looked like someone had broken into the Cameron household and had torn off the wallpaper, but nobody had broken in. it was rafe, limbrey, and reinfield. They wouldn't know that though, via quickly called JJ and explained the situation which he then explained to pope and next thing via knew she was sitting in the car with JJ, Pope, Sarah, Kiara, and John b as they drove to sarahs house. wheezie let them in and they walked to the island room as via looked around the hallway, it felt weird and she felt out of place but to be honest, she had always felt out of place when she was in the house.

"god I feel so out of place" Via spoke up as they walked into the island room

"tell me about it" sarah retorted as they looked at the torn up wallpaper and the signs under it

"holy shit" Via said as she ran her hand along the walls and stared at the paintings

"yo, this is a map of the whole island" John b said as Via looked at kiara

"yeah, john b, I think you're right cause this is rixons right here" JJ spoked as he walked over and they started to point things out on the wall. they looked at the drawings and then Via looked at wheezie

"wheeze who did this?" she asked

"the freaks, and rafe. you know that sick lady and her attack dog, they showed up last night and they wanted to talk to rafe.at first they searched the whole house looking for something, and then rafe told me to go upstairs but I didn't want to miss out so I listened through the grate and they were talking about getting across the sand flamingo" Wheezie explained and Via snapped her fingers

"the cross of santo domingo" she said

"yeah and they were talking about angels " and via made eye contact with pope as they started to examine the wall before jj spoke up and they turned to him

"this humongous tree is still on goat island" JJ exclaimed

"holy shit jj angel oak, we have to go now" Via said and they ran to the twinkie as they started to drive to angel oak

"oh shit tides coming in" John b said and Via spoke

"I'm a speed racer, john b switch with me, I got this" she exclaimed and he nodded as they switched and she gunned the car, JJ kept talking to her but they got through. They got out of the car and started to walk through, they got the bushes and hid as they watched rafe talk to limbrey and reinfield

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