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Chapter Twenty-Six
the bonfire, lets go to the bonfire

Chapter Twenty-Six the bonfire, lets go to the bonfire

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3rd Person POV

via sat in cats room as she waited for something from sarah, truly anything. she stared at the ceiling and waited, that was until there was a ring at the doorbell and she ran downstairs. cat was at work, and so were her parents, it was just via in this house. she opened the door and there stood sarah with tears in her eyes

"sar, hey come in" via said and she opened the door and sarah walked in with tears in her eyes and she fell into vias arm

"as I said, I'm here" Via exclaimed and she led sarah to the couch as they sat down and sarah leaned her head on her chest, via ran her hands through her hair as they stayed sitting on the couch

"where is cat and her parents?" sarah asked as she tried to get her mind off of her dad and family but it wasn't working

"cat and them are working, I have the house to myself. i cleaned the whole house and the backyard but there's nothing else to do so I've been bored and sitting around. i didn't know if you wanted to talk or not" Via explained and Sarah looked up at her with sad puppy eyes

"v, are you happy he's dead?" Sarah asked and via sat up with sarah as she grabbed her hands

"no sarah, he's your dad, if my dad died I'm be sad and mad as you. sarah I'm not glad, he's a bad person you and I can admit that but he didn't deserve to die and definitely not in that way either" she exclaimed and sarah nodded as tears slid down her face

"I'm sorry about the way he treated you" Sarah sighed and Via shook her head

"sarah you didn't do anything, its not your fault, don't apologize for him or his actions" she whispered and sarah nodded as via kissed her forehead and they held each other close. via hummed softly as sarah cried softly into her chest. she continued to hold her until cat walked in with kiara and looked at them on the couch

"v? i thought you went to school" kiara said and via shook her head as she looked down at sarah who was sleeping on her chest

"I couldn't , ill be back soon but I cant go back not right now. i have to be here for her" Via whispered and they nodded in agreement

"so there's the bonfire tonight..." Cat started and via sighed

" I , if she wakes up ill ask her but for right now I'm going to let her sleep" Via said and they nodded at her words

"we'll be upstairs for a little while but then we're heading out, stay down here and take your time" Cat said and she kissed vias forehead before she grabbed kiaras hand and led her upstairs. Via stared down at sarah and waited for her to wake up. 4 hours later, it was now 7 pm and Sarah moved around as she wiped her eyes and sat up

"you stayed?" Sarah whispered and via smiled down at her

"of course I stayed" via said and sarah leaned up as she kissed vias lips and smiled against them

"so sar, there's the bonfire tonight, do you want to go?" Via asked and sarah looked up at her

"what time is it?" she questioned

"7:15 pm, the bonfire starts at 8:15 so we have an hour if you want to go" she explained

"yeah its just um can I take a shower and change?" she asked and via nodded as she sat up with sarah

"yeah I have clothes in cats room, ill get them and you can take a shower" Via said and she led sarah up to cats room, she knocked on the door and walked in, she grabbed some of her clothes and handed it to sarah before she led her to the bathroom and waited for her to shower. 30 minutes later, sarah came out in her clothes and wet hair

"I actually feel refreshed for once" sarah said and  she smiled at her

"I'm glad, we have close to 40 minutes, we can leave now and get there early or we can stay here and just watch movies" Via said and Sarah nodded as she listened to her words

" the bonfire, lets go to the bonfire" Sarah said and she walked out of the room with via following , they walked to the car and drove to the bonfire. via parked the car and she helped sarah out as they walked in and looked around, they quickly found kiara and cat

"YOU CAME!" cat yelled as she ran over and hugged sarah and via with a smile on her face

"wow you missed us that much?" Sarah asked cat and she pulled back as she nodded her head with a smile on her face

"of course I did" cat exclaimed and kiara smiled as she led her away. Via went and got her and sarah drinks , she walked back and handed it to her as sarah smiled and took it from her. she sipped it and they started to dance to the music. via was against sarah when a drunk topper walked over to them

"sarah I cant believe you left me for this.. for this.. dirty as pogue" Topper said as he pushed via and the attention was turned to them. JJ ran over with kiara and pope, a drunk cat hanging slightly behind

"topper you're drunk walk the fuck away" Via tried to stay calm as she felt the eyes on them but she didn't back away

"fuck you via" topper said and he leaned in to push her again but she pushed him and that's when kelce jumped in

"HES DRUNK VIA" kelce yelled in her face

"yeah well he shouldn't have fucking touched me in the first place" she exclaimed and kelce went to hit her but pope stepped in and punched him as someone else tried to hit pope but JJ joined in. in the middle of everything, via managed to hit kelce and topper in the face before she grabbed kiara, cat and sarah and led them away to the car

via got in the drivers seat and she leaned back

"why cant we ever just catch a fucking break for once?" she sighed and kiara nodded with sarah and cat

"I'm sorry v" sarah started but via stopped her

"sarah you arent them, you arent topper or kelce, stop apologizing for their dumbass actions, lets just go home" Via said and she started the car as she drove back to cats house. when they got there, they helped cat out of the car before they walked inside and sarah went with via into the guest room

all they wanted was one normal night but they could even have that, however they had each other, sarah and via had each other and that would always be enough to them. they would always be enough for each oth

no i will not break up sarah and via i just can't, it's not in the plans

-ABBYS NOTES-no i will not break up sarah and via i just can't, it's not in the plans

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