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Chapter Nine
You sly dog

Chapter Nine You sly dog

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3rd Person POV

And now here we are via was in her room and she got a call answering it automatically

"Hello?" She answered and she heard cats voice , she felt Sarah's arm wrapped around her waist and smiled

"So I'm at Sarah's, where is she?" Cat asked and Via chuckled

"She's with me , why what's up?" She asked and cat drew in a breathe

"Rafe is being a creepy fuck" Cat whispered and via sighed

"Do you want me to get John b to pick you up?" She whispered softly as Sarah now sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes

"Yeah , make sure he brings Kiara" cat asked and via nodded before realizing that Cat couldn't see her

"Yeah just uh stay in Sarah's room or with Wheezie until they come" She stated and she heard cat sigh

"Thank you V" she whispered

"I've always got your back Kitty" she whispered

"Alright well I gotta go but please get John b here soon" Cat said and via nodded

"K bye cat, I love you" She told her

"I love you" cat said and the cal ended as via then called John b and he answered quickly

"Hey V, what's up?" He asked

"what are you doing right now?" She questioned and he looked around in the truck he was in

"uhhh going to school , why what's wrong?" He asked her and she sighed

"Cats at Sarah's house and Rafe is being weird. Can you bring Kiara and pick her up?" Via asked

"Yeah V , I'll be there soon" He said and she sighed gratefully

"Thank you JB, I owe you one" She said and he chuckled

"No you don't , cat's family now" He told her and she chuckled

"alright bye" she said

"Bye v" he said back and he ended the call as via heard rocks at her window and she opened it to see JJ

"Well you're popular this morning" Sarah said and via chuckled

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