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Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven Vianna

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3rd Person POV

(WARNINGS: some adultery actions)

Later that day , via drove her and Sarah back to the Cameron's house and went up to Sarah's room. Via flopped down on Sarah's bed and groaned while Sarah giggled at her

"Man I love John b but he's an idiot" Via exclaimed and she turned on the bed as Sarah straddled her and started to play with her rings on her fingers

"You're telling me, he really saved our asses" Sarah agreed and Via sighed

" I know but now he has a fucked up wrist and it's my fault" Via groaned and Sarah sighed

"No it's mine, I should break up with topper" Sarah said and Via nodded

"Well I'm glad we agree on one thing" Via said and Sarah leaned down kissing her , via sat up slightly as she placed her hands on Sarah's waist and pulled her down more. They continued to make out as Vias shirt rose with Sarah's hand running under it and then they heard someone cough at the door. Sarah sat up and via did too as they saw Rafe at the door

"Look I don't care but John b is here so go help the little shit" he stated and then he walked away

"Let's go" via said and she grabbed Sarahs hand as they walked down the stairs and saw John b waiting, they led him to his too.

"This is your room" Sarah exclaimed

"Whoa" he said as they walked into the room and John b threw his bag on the bed

"Not too Shabby huh?" Sarah asked

" For him this is the world" via said and John b flopped down on the bed

" Yeah not too shabby at all" He told them

" Are you OK?" Via asked as he rolled over the bed to via and Sarah

"Yeah no I'm good I'm good I got it" John b said

" But we have to warn you sometimes she sleepwalks , she even comes to my house" Via said and John b chuckled

" At first I was annoyed but this is cute" John b said and via shoved his shoulder as ward walked in

" You've already broken the first rule what is the first rule? stay out of each others rooms all right seriously picture that has a boundary this is like a minefield yes sir?" Ward said

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