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Chapter thirty-four 

i thought i lost you maybank 

i thought i lost you maybank 

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3rd person pov 

via sat with jj, kiara , pope ,cleo and sarah. via held sarahs hand as they sat there together and sarah talked to them

"when I went back to tannyhill, rafe was on the phone with ward and he just kept saying my thing, my thing. he had to be talking about the cross" sarah said and via nodded

"he's psychotic" via said and they all nodded in agreement. 

"absolutely" pope said 

"and he's coming to Wilmington tonight at eight o'clock. its being shipped by train to raleigh from there, but this is our chance to get it back" sarah stated 

"you get any other information?" pope asked 

"sarah got the cargo number" kiara exclaimed 

"okay, well, that's a start" pope said 

"for sure" via exclaimed 

"they're definitely fencing that shit off as we speak so we should probably get a move on" jj told them 

"sarah, v, you hear from john b?" pope asked the couple 

"no, I mean, he's probably off somewhere with his dad which sucks cause they have the twinkie and that is our only form of transportation" sarah said and via thought 

"I can steal chris' truck " she offered 

"no, no way" sarah said 

"its our only option, he'll never know and I'll be safe. i promise, I'll meet back here in 1 hour. time me maybank" she told him and he nodded. she kissed sarah goodbye and then she walked away from the group. 

she broke into a jog as she ran to chris' house. she was able to sneak into his room, in the basement she could hear chris with topper 

"can you believe they're back?" chris asked topper 

"this is our chance to get them away from each other and back to us" topper said and via scoffed. she grabbed the truck  keys and ran to the truck. she adjusted it and she turned the truck on 

"VIANNA WHAT THE FUCK?" chris yelled and she flipped him off as she put the truck in drive and she drove off. chris watched her as she left and he scoffed. soon she got to the chateau and honked the horn 

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