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chapter thirty-two
we have each other

chapter thirty-two we have each other

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3rd person pov

they stayed on the boat and rode it home. vias head laid on sarahs shoulder as jj spoke up

"so this is what we're doing huh? we're just sailing out. we're just gonna forget about john b? we should've never left him alright? we're turning right back around " jj said and cleo spoke up

"no, we're all gonna get caught, what type of plan is that?" cleo retorted

"its a plan to stick together cleo" jj said and via sighed

"then we're dead together" she said

"jj come on be honest with yourself, she's right. if we hadn't left, we'd all be dead right now and what good would that do for any of us?" via told him and he turned his head to her in shock. he thought that she would agree with him but that was clearly not true.

"v's right, we did the right thing" kiara agreed.soon enough a phone rang and kiara picked it up

"whos that?" jj asked

"its portis" kiara exclaimed

"portis? that's john b. that's definitely john b" jj stated and he took the phone as he picked it up and began to talk to john b.

"I said don't worry about me. look its way too hot here, you gotta get out of here, go back to obx " he told them

"we do not copy" jj said

"jj come on, let me and sarah talk to him" via spoke up and he handed her the phone

"john b, are you okay?" sarah asked

"yes yes I'm fine, everythings fine alright now listen" he exclaimed

"okay he's fine, jb what the hell happened?" she asked

"I found my dad, he's alive" john b said and via sucked in a breathe as she looked at everyone but she seemed to be the only person who could hear or understand him

"get out of here, ill meet you on kildare" he told them

"kildare, when?" sarah asked and then the call ended.

"great just fucking great" via groaned.

"you guys think he found his father?" cleo asked

"that's what he said and if he thinks we should head home, we head home. jj, we're going home" she told him and he scoffed and nodded. via and sarah walked to the edge of the boat together and they sat down. she didn't hear jj and pope separate from cleo and kiara but she didn't care.

she held sarahs hand as they watched the water and the islands disappear behind them

"his dad has been missing for a year. do you really think he found him?" sarah asked her girlfriend

"I don't know sar, I think he did and if he did, I'm happy for him but we need to remember the whole reason this thing happened, his dad being back might not be the best thing" she told her and they leaned their heads on each other

"I know, and no matter what we have each other" sarah told her. it soon got dark and they were in st.kitts, soon kiara and cleo walked over to them leaving pope and jj to talk to each other. soon they docked and pope got off with cleo as via went with kiara to fill the boat up with gas.

"how are you and sarah?" kiara asked her sister and she shrugged with a smile

"we're good, do you miss cat?" she asked and kiara nodded sadly

"I wished she had come with us but I know that it wasn't possible. i just miss her" kiara stated

"and cleo?" she asked

"what about cleo?" kiara exclaimed

"I see the way you look at her and I know that you love cat but its okay to like someone else, I mean you look at her the way jj looks at pope" she said and kiara laughed

"those two are in love with each other arent they?" kiara laughed and via laughed too. sarah soon walked over and smiled at the pair of sisters. pope and cleo walked out of the store together as jj came back to the boat.

"just don't break cats heart when you find out what you want" via told her sister as she climbed back on the boat with them.

she walked over to jj and sat down next to him

"why is love so hard?" he asked and she laughed

"why would I know?" she asked and he shrugged as he turned to her and smiled

"because you vianna carrera are the master at love and care. you're smart and kind and caring and sweet and ever part of you loves sarah, how do you do it? how do you let yourself feel that way?" he asked and she froze

"after everything with her the first time and then chris, I needed time to think and figure out what I wanted. it was all hard and painful but I realized the one thing that made me happy was sarah. she made me feel safe and calm and happy" she told him and he smiled

"was it always like that?" he asked and she laughed

"god no, she used to make me feel like my head was going to explode. sarah cameron was an enigma to me and she made me hurt but I realized that love hurts and its hard and that's okay. not everything is supposed to be easy and not everything is supposed to make you feel calm and safe and happy" she stated and he smiled

"you're pretty wise carrera" he said

"thanks maybank" she said and sarah walked back over to her as they all sat down and waited to get back to kildare. it was only time before they did and there was one thing via knew, her and sarah weren't splitting up any time soon

I'm on vacation soon so be prepared for updates of this book specifically due to the way I have it ending, as well as my john b book specifically.

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