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Chapter Thirty
im getting my sister back

Chapter Thirty im getting my sister back

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3rd person pov

via sat next to Sarah as jj sat with pope, kiara sat with Cleo and john b sat alone . they began to play truth or dare with each other.

"if you could do it all again, what would you different?" sarah asked and they all started to speak

"not try to murder ward or rafe... a few times" via said and jj laughed as he nudged the girl with a smile on his face.

"yeah you can say that again" john b told her

"alright kie, truth or dare?" he asked the girl

"truth" kiara said and via smiled softly at the girl

"alright, if you could go home to your parents house on figure eight, this instant would you do it?" he asked and amelia stared at the girl

"no chance, I think via can agree " kiara exclaimed

"seconded" sarah said

"jj, truth or dare?" kiara called and they all turned to the cliff

"big jump? nobodys done it yet. dare" kiara told the boy and they all smiled as they ran to the bottom of the cliff and watched jj climb to the top.

"holy shit, he's insane" via said and they all watched as he jumped off of the cliff and they cheered for him. he stood up in the water and he walked towards them with a smile on his face. pope hugged the boy and they walked with jj out of the water.

"I actually thought I was going to die" jj told them and via laughed.

"it looked like it for a second there maybank" she stated and he shoved her softly as she shoved him back. they all walked back and set up a fire in the cave. via laid next to sarah as they held each others hands and they stared at the ceiling.

the next morning, via woke up with the others as they watched pope and cleo run off together. via held sarahs hand as they ran to the water

"HEY, WE'RE DOWN HERE. HELP" Via called at the plane, she didn't know what else to do. they watched it spin around to them, they got their stuff and they ran to the pond.

"we're finally getting out of here" pope said to them and they all smiled at the boy. they watched a man walk off the plane and they began to talk to him. sarah stared at via and she made eye contact

"hey if he is supposed to be with your dad, we will get away from him and i can help you, but i dont think he is" via told and then she heard jimmy

"now is this all, seven of you?" he asked and they all nodded as they climbed on the plane. via sat down between kiara and sarah as she grabbed sarahs hand and they took off on the plane.

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